🖊a suggestions by serenacat444🖊

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I'm so sorry if I do your username wrong! 🤭 but anyway this suggestion is by serenacat444 so yeah

Four hosted for a little while and the contest is a licking jawbreakers to save their team

but unfortunately A better name than that loses, blocky got eliminated and sucked up by four

Btw four forgot to lock the door

Blocky entered the class, blocky saw a door behind him. He quickly opens it and saw match and y/n

"Oh hey blocky! Four forgot to lock the door so I went in and I gotta say.. Four might have a little crush on y/n." Match saids

"Oh that's why y/n has there personal room. It isn't fair! How come y/n got their own room than us?!" Blocky saids.

"I know! Let's pull a prank on y/n" blocky saids

"It's not a good idea though.. Four might-" match got interrupted by blocky

"Might what? Screech me? I'm used to that!"

Blocky said

"Whatever you say blocky." Match saids

(If u wonder why four isn't in the E.x.i.t it's because they're busy hosting. Anyway let's continue)

Blocky then pranked y/n too far. And y/n cried a lil loud then four checked.

"Y/N ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" four saids in a worried face

Y/n just pointed at blocky

Four then zap blocky and blocky screams in pain.

Y/n and match was shocked to see that.

And then four kissed y/n
And gave them there work sheets (expect for y/n) like nothing happened

Words: 266

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