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"Love comes from the people you don't expect it from."
   -Richard Hemmings

  "I just wanted to tell you Rebecca, I love-"

  "Hey guys! Ready to watch the movie?" Diana asked as she walked in the front door. Jason groaned and put his hands in his pocket. We were in the living room waiting for everybody to show up. Jason came early since he lived couple blocks away. We were having a movie night.

  "Adam and Alex are not here yet." I replied.

  "Those two are always late for everything." She mumbled.

  "So what were we talking about?" She asked curiously.

  "Uh. Umm. We were just talking about how much he loved...the Kardashians?" I stated. More like asked.

  "You love Kim?" Diana asked raising an eyebrow at him. Wait. Was she jealous?

  "No. I don't. Love is a strong word don't you think?" Jason asked still looking into my eyes.

  "Uh..I guess." I muttered looking at the floor. Just as Diana was about to speak the doorbell rang.

  "I'll get it." I said bolting out of the living room and towards the front door. There stood Alex and Adam. As usual he looked breathtaking. He had on a black t-shirt with dark jeans and vans. His hair looked disheveled which made him look even sexier.

  "Are you going to stand there and check me out all night? Tell me so I could send Adam to get me a chair or something." Alex joked. I blinked three times and blushed.

  "I wasn't checking you out Alex. What? Can't I admire how my boyfriend looks?"

  " You were denying it." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and motioned for them to come in.

  Just like last time, the boys agreed to watch a horror movie. Adam was seated next to Diana (who tried to push him off but he wouldn't budge) on one sofa. I was seated between Alex and Jason on the next sofa. Yes. There was tension (and hatred) in the air.

   Somehow throughout the movie I ended curled up next to Alex and Diana's head was on Adam's lap as he stroke her hair. Jason was on the other side of the couch by himself. I felt kind of guilty. Suddenly his phone rang. We paused the movie and he answered it.

  " Hey." He answered.


  "How bad?"


  "Alright. I'll be there." He said before hanging up the phone.

   "Is everything ok Jase?" I asked.

   "Yeah. It's just Sarah. She needs me something for her." He replied. My heart crumbled at the sound of her name. What could she possibly want from him?

  "Do you have to?" I asked him. Alex frowned.

  "She needs me so..Yeah I have to." He said coldly. What's up with him and his sudden change of mood?

  "Look, I'm sorry. I have to go." He walked away without giving me a second glance. Why does things like this happen to me all the time?

  "Don't worry about him." Alex whispered in my ear. I just nodded and we continued to watch the movie. Normally, I would scream whenever a disturbing scene would show up but this time I just stared at the tv screen blankly. I hated to admit it but my mind was on him. Was he really falling for Sarah? What was so special about her? All these questions were running through my mind. Although they were questions, I didn't want them answered because I knew what the answers were.


  As much as I hated to admit it, Adam stroking my hair felt too good. Somehow throughout the movie my head ended up on his lap. Being this close to him was sending shivers through me.

  "You're enjoying this aren't you?" He whispered in my ear. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy. Should I just tell him yes or should I deny it?

  "Are you?" I decided to ask.

  "Hell yeah. I Know you hate me and everything but I want to tell you that I don't. I like you. Alot." He muttered looking into my eyes. He looked like he meant every single word that came out of his mouth. My breath hitched in my throat. I glanced at Alex and Becca wondering if they heard us. They were way too interested in the movie, I guess.

   "Wh..what?" I studdered. Was he joking? Adam Gregory 'The school's biggest player' liked me? His mortal enemy.
  " You heard me. I like you." He repeated. I hope Becca and Alex wasn't hearing us. Did I feel the same way?  I don't even know the answer. When he was close to me, I would shut up completely and it felt like my whole body just goes numb. Only Jason made me feel like that. Weird.

But when he was teasing me or getting on my nerves, I just felt like smashing my lips to his. Weirder. I try to mask my feelings (which I'm good at) by shouting and cursing at him. I actually did like him.

  "Don't worry. I know you don't feel that way about me. It'll never happen because you love that asshole Jason. Let's just change the topic....Ok?" I saw a flash of sadness in his eyes. I sat up so I could face him.

  "But..Adam I-"

  "Wasn't that fun and scary?" I heard Becca ask us. I blinked a few times.

  "Sure. Awesome!" I replied. Alex stood up and stretched and whispered something in Becca's ear which caused her to laugh. What a cute couple. Why couldn't I be happy like her? She had a boyfriend and my crush was crushing on her. She's so f*cking lucky!

  "Time to go guys. It's getting pretty late." Becca stated after recovering from laughter. We made our way to the door.

  "Bye Becca! We'll see you tomorrow." I hugged her.

  "Sure. Bye guys!" She waved at us as we got in Alex's car and drove away.

  I wish I could drive away from love sometimes. It's so confusing.

Author's note:

Don't we all feel that way? What do you think of this chapter? Short I know but I was feeling a bit lazy. Sorry. Don't forget to vote or comment! I'd love to hear from my readers.
XJULIAX  until then, stay breezy.

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