Chapter 14

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well I am writing this, I am listening to one of the greatest songs in existence. It's called "House Of Memories", by Panic! At The Disco, if you wanna go check it out.


(With Utah) (1st person cause I'm lazy, and there's PARAGRAPHS!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!)

Dad told me to go, and the scene around me changed.

Cali was in my face the moment I teleported to the American World, or as us state called it, AW or Home.

Pain struck my arms as more cracks appeared. I winced but didn't yelp. 

I took a drink from my water bottle. I bring it with me everywhere, so I don't get too dehydrated.

"Well, hello, and welcome the the AW," Cali suddenly was in a tuxedo. States could control anything in this world, since they were a part of America. I snapped, and was in a red gown.

"yes, thank you," I said in my most elegant voice.

"I will escort you to your room, madam," Cali said, and took my hand and got very close to kissing it. "This way," he instructed me.

"oh, thank you, young gentleman," I said.

He slings his arm around mine, like we're partners in prom or something.

We walk into the house, where all my siblings were in fancy clothes.

I smothered a giggle.

I look around the room. Then I notice something.

"Florida's gone," I whispered to Cali.

Cali was cut off by Florida.

"WHO WANTS TO PARTY!?!?!??!" Florida came swinging from the roof on a speaker. loud disco music started too play, from the speaker Florida was still on, and speakers around the room. I laughed, but really, the loud music was hurting my ears. 

Everyone was partying, as I slipped away into my room that was on the second floor. I huffed and grabbed Divergent.

"animals," I muttered.

My semi sound proof door blocked most of the music, so I was able to read in peace.


2 little author's note's:

1. if you want your state/country to be a part of the story, comment on this sentence, saying your state/country, their gender and personality, and any conditions and I will try to fit them in!

2. if it looks like this:

(With Example 1) 

then its first person if it looks like this:

(With Example 3)

It's third person!


(with America 1)

Russia and I watch My Little Pony some more, but I can see he's a little mad at me.

"What?" I finally said.

"What happened in the bathroom?" He asked.

"I was just talking to my self," at least that was part of the truth.

"I'm gonna head home," Russia said, standing up.

"Russ, wait," I said.

But he didn't stop. He closed the door with a half-slam, and I leaned into the couch. Maybe I can visit my states!

I closed my eyes and teleported to AW. As I walked into the house, I walked into complete chaos. 

"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?!?!" I yelled/screamed. 

Just then, a speaker crashed to the ground, and a scream followed.

I rushed too where the speaker landed. Florida looked up at me.

"Hey, Dad..."


"you could have gotten killed!" I scolded Florida as I put a Band-Aid on some of the cuts on his arms, "Your lucky you only got a few scrapes and a twisted ankle! You could of broken your back!"

"Sorry, Dad..."

"I'm just glad you didn't break your skull!" I said. Tears welled up in Florida's eyes, and I immediately felt guilty.

"Just don't do that again, Sunshine," I said, hugging him, "now go on and play,"

He runs off, just as I mentally hear Nada calling my name. I run out of the bathroom and say good bye to the states.


I have nothing to say so... um...

words: 600. wow! a really long one :>!

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