Chapter 2

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As he got off the bus with the three others, he saw Poland, Mexico, and the twins, Australia and New Zealand playing truth or dare. "Hey I wanna play!" He said, running over to the twins. "Sure," Australia said "truth or dare, Ame?" Ame was Americas nickname. "Dare," America replied, feeling brave. "I dare you to go up to Russia and say "I love you"!" Australia said, Australia started laughing. "W-What?!" America yelled, blushing, "I-I can't!" "We all know you have a crush~" New Zealand said. That made Americas face turn red. "Fine," America said bitterly, Walking away from them. As he approached Russia he started to get nervous. What if he says something like "I hate you, fudge off" or something- his thoughts were interrupted by him hitting into a person, "sor-" America started looking up, its Russia, its Russia, he panicked. "Ame?" A heavy Russian ascent came out of Russias mouth. "Umm, hey! Russia..." America said, "I-I" "yes?" Russia said, looking America staring straight in the eye. "Umm" America said "I-I love you!" America ran off to the twins. "I hate you, both," America said "hate is a big word-" New Zealand said over his tears of laughter. "OK! I LOATHE YOU, BOTH!!" America yelled. America was as red as his stripes. (time skip, after school) America was walking out of school when he heard a Russian voice behind him. "I-I love you too," it said and America started crying. He turned around to see Russia behind him. He threw his arms around Russias chest because he was that tall, and cried more.
Sorry that was short again! But I warned you that it was going to be this short words: 290

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