Chapter 1

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I tap my foot, eager to arrive at the location of the vampire clan. A newborn vamp didn’t care to follow his maker. He somehow got a witch to block his maker from having control over him, and it’s been chaos. His maker Alaric didn’t notify the council or inform Alessandro about the events and now the rebellious vamp has a nest of over 100 vampires. They’ve been draining women in local towns and leaving the corpses in the middle of the streets. Humans are aware of the existence of supernatural creatures, but that doesn’t mean we should go around slaughtering them and starting another war. The anti-supernatural groups are already a problem.

“Okay everyone, don’t go in there being reckless.” Maddox, the head of the warriors, says as he stares at me in the rare view mirror. I roll my eyes. He’s still pissed about me running headfirst into the nýchi fidioú nest. They’re nasty creatures who feast on children by tricking them to come into their lair’s. I couldn’t stand there knowing they had a cave full of kids. Unfortunately, when I ran in there, I forgot their claws were tipped with poison. I got scratched as I ripped them apart in a range and ignored the calls from my team.

My mind went blank as I soaked in the joy and sounds of ripping flesh. When I snapped out of my haze, the pain of the venom hit me hard. It was a pain I’ve never experienced in all my years of being alive. I was down for two days and could barely eat or move. I was lucky there was a local coven close by to get the anti-venom, but it was still painful as my wolf healed itself. My wolf Thalia was pissed that I was that reckless. She shouldn’t even be pissed because she’s been refusing to shift for the last six months. I know she’s been wary of everything and everyone. In all her years of being reincarnated, she’s never found her mate. It’s been thousands of years for her but it’s only been 150 years for me.

Alessandro called me the moment I was unconscious thanks to that snitch, Maddox. He even accused me of being reckless to release whatever built up anger I have. I know Maddox, Adrian, Cy, and Andrew are all tired of my shit. If they could, they would block me from coming on any assignments. I sigh as I think about how I’m a therapist who can help others emotionally, but I’m struggling and won’t say shit. But who can I even speak to that will understand? I’m the only therapist for most of the territory.

I chose these traveling assignments because I’m tired of seeing the same old things. Newly mated wolves moving in and out of the pack, paperwork, hearing the same conversations, and Belen asking me to bond with him since neither of us found our mates. I thought Belen, and I were just fuck buddies, but he felt more than I did. He’s a handsome man and one of the strongest warriors in the pack, but all this is to me is an itch to scratch. Belen still has a chance to find his mate. He’s only 50 in human years. It’s not uncommon for wolves to take years to find their mates, but I have the record for the longest without one in the pack.

The car slows as Maddox tells us we have to continue on foot to avoid alerting anyone. I shake my head to remove the intrusive thoughts and loneliness. Maddox made us leave before dawn and the sun is now high in the sky, making me blink from the glare. We stay alert as we walk through the dirt path to get to the old mansion where the clan is hiding. Vampires aren’t like what they mention in books and movies; they can walk in sunlight. However, if they stay in the sun for over six hours, it weakens them, which makes them easier to kill. It’s too quiet. We turn when we hear a twig snap.

“I smell the stench of death getting closer. I count four.” Maddox tells us through his mind-link and we nod. Humans who are turned into vampires have a distinct scent. Only those who are born vampires or changed by a high-ranking vampire don’t carry a stench of death. The stench grows and Maddox shifts, followed by Adrian, Cy, and Andrew. My wolf doesn’t even stir. This bitch. I say, and I hear her growl at me.

This clan won’t be hard to kill. These vamps are new and haven’t accumulated enough years of strength. The older the vampire, the stronger they are, and from what we heard from the scouts, they’ll be easy to wipe out. Adrian growls before knocking the first vampire out who tries to attack. I listen to the sound of skin being ripped apart as the vampire screams and chokes on his blood. A second later, we’re surrounded by a large group.

“Remember what I said, Bianca. Don’t be reckless.” Maddox says through the link. I roll my eyes and extend my claws. My wolf won’t fully shift, but my claws come in handy. I sense a vamp running up behind me. I don’t turn as I swing my clawed hand around, slicing his throat. Before he can heal and decapitate him. Adrenaline pumps through my veins at the sight of blood dripping from my claws.

Five vampires surround me and in a blink I’ve ripped out the heart of one, decapitated another, and gut a third. I swiftly attack the rest, ripping them apart limb by limb. The other warriors are strong enough to protect themselves, so I don't have to worry about them. It’s a blur as I effortlessly go through bodies. I feel someone tap my shoulder and I swing my clawed hand, ready to decapitate whoever touched me. “Calm the fuck down.” Cy growls and I shake my head.

“What the hell, Bianca? You did that shit again.” Adrian says as he walks over. There're bodies littered around us. I didn’t notice they left to get dressed. “You zoned out and went into berserker mode. I’m glad we each didn’t have to kill over twenty vamps, but you were still reckless and we’re a team. Sarah will kick my ass if I come home injured after I promised I wouldn’t get hurt.” Adrian continues before walking off. I pissed them off more than before. My recklessness can hurt them, and they have a family to get back to.

I sigh and look down at my clothes drenched in blood."Adrian will get over it soon. He’s newly mated, and he hates being away from her. We’ve left on three assignments this week alone so it’s difficult. But kid, you have to trust us and take care of yourself." Andrew adds before patting my shoulder. He’s always been like a second father to me and one of the oldest pack members, but don’t underestimate him because of his age. He’s strong, muscular, and a good fighter.

“B, there’s a lake close by. You’re not ruining my car seat with all that blood.” Maddox says before sitting in the car. I go get my extra clothes and shoes from the trunk and let the sound of running water guide me to my destination. While removing my t-shirt and jeans, I wince. I look at my stomach to see a small bruise healing. Looks like one landed a blow. I sigh and get into the cool water and scrub my skin to remove the blood and small chunks of flesh from my hair. Maddox's mind links me again that we need to leave soon, and he sounds agitated. As I’m dressing, I sense their presence before turning “Why are you spawns of Satan here?”. I’m not mean they really are the spawns of Satan. I glare at Sava, Simeon and Stepan staring at me with blank expressions. “Were you guys spying on me while I was naked?” I ask, but they look unamused.

“Don’t flatter yourself. Your tits would have to be larger.” Stepan says, and I give him the finger. I really need to stop annoying the triad, but they make it so easy. Usually a person would get killed for looking at them the wrong way. The worst one is Sava. The man shows no emotions, and he’s vicious.

“We came to check that the minor problem has been taken care of, and it saved us a lot of work.” Simeon says before they disappear. Those three are a weird bunch. I’m sure I’d be dead if Alessandro wasn’t my cousin. I dispose of my soiled clothes and head to the jeep. Maddox pulls off the second I close the door. “I can’t wait to get back home.” Adrian says, and I can feel his excitement. The rest of the men agree. At least three of us are happy to go back.

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