Chapter 3

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We arrive on pack land late in the evening, and I head straight to bed. I’m tired and I don’t want to deal with anyone, especially Belen. I fall asleep the moment my head hits my pillow but I still feel tired when I wake early to patrol the perimeter. After my patrol, I run some errands as I greet various pack members. I’m usually considered a bitch by most women and some men, but they won’t say it to my face because I’m their Beta female. Sighing, I head to my office to do my assigned paperwork. Maddox, being the leader, volunteered me to do the report for the council as punishment for being reckless. I glare at him as I walk by him because I know he did that shit so he can spend the day with his family. I don’t blame him, and I’m starting to sound bitter.

I take calming breaths as I enter my spacious office. Being the beta female and cousin to Alessandro gives me additional perks, but my private office also serves as my office for wolves who need therapy or just to talk to someone. I smell Belen and turn to see him coming towards me with a determined look. I enter my office quickly to avoid him, but he’s right behind me. He never gives up, even when I make it clear I will never accept his proposal. I turn to tell him what we had, which was nothing, and we’re done. But he pulls me to his chest, pressing his lips to mine. My wolf Thalia surfaces and pushes him into the wall.

“Me and my human told you that this is done. If you touch us without our permission again, she can’t stop me from ripping out your insides and wearing it as a necklace for all to see.” She smirks and gives me back control. Belen looks up at me like a shy pup, and I know what Thalia said won’t stop him from trying. People think I have a temper, but my wolf is ten times worse. I walk to my desk and sit ready, tired of this day.

“Belen, this will never work. I don’t want to be bonded with anyone.” I tell him, and he still looks determined. A part of me refuses to settle and I know my stubborn wolf wouldn’t accept a bond too. It has been centuries, and she hasn’t settled once. “We’re good together, Bianca. You know we are.” He continues talking, and I ignore his presence as I start the report.

“Listen!” He slams his hand on my desk, getting my full attention. He must have lost his damn mind yelling at me. I’m not one of those young bitches he fucks when I’m away for months."Why can’t you see you should be with me!?" He yells and my mind goes blank. I stand and swipe my claws deep in his chest and push his ass through the window. I jump out and kneel on his chest before getting in his face. Everyone who’s walking by stops to see the scene. “I don’t know who you think the fuck you are, but remember that although I fucked you, I’m still your superior. Nobody tells me what to do. The next time you raise your voice at me, I’ll kill you.” I say with a growl, leaving him stunned and with the stench of fear. Alessandro glares at me as I walk away. I can hear his footsteps behind me as I walk to my office. The door slams, and I sit to face him. “Don’t lecture me that I was hard on him, Alessandro.” I tell him before he can speak.

“I don’t give a fuck about that. You broke another window. The repairs are being paid for by you. You keep breaking shit and being reckless.” He says as he rolls his eyes."As for Belen, I told he looked like the type to get attached but you still made him your new fuck buddy." He ends with a laugh. Oh, so he wants to joke, “What about that whore Ariana who you fucked? Got her skanky ass thinking she’ll be the next queen.” I laugh when he frowns. Alessandro might be king but he’s 10 years younger than me. My parents raised him when his own father tried to kill him because of a prophecy. Alessandro and his mother went through hell being abused by his father when he was younger. He hasn’t found his mate yet, but it’s to be expected. There’s a prophecy about him and his future mate that hasn’t happened so he’s not as stressed about finding her because at least he knows he was always gifted a mate unlike me who does not know if I’ll get one or he died in one of the pointless wars through history. Alessandro rests his feet on my desk with a smirk, knowing that I hate when he does.

“Why is the busy Alpha King in my office with his big ass feet on my desk?” I glare at him because I swear he does it to annoy me. Alessandro’s cheery face disappears, and I’m concerned.

“The vampire clan’s nest wasn’t the only issue with the witches. It turns out that someone took control of members of the krylatyy zverʹ clan and they slaughtered two small wolf packs up north. They also attacked multiple wolves and humans in neighboring towns. There was only one survivor to tell us what happened, and we couldn’t believe it at first. The council, along with the triad, thinks the vampires were able to get freewill from a powerful witch, but we still don’t know who. We believe the attacks are linked. Only a powerful witch can break a bond between a vampire and their maker and control a krylatyy zverʹ. The last update was the krylatyy zverʹ flight path and destination is here. All packs are on alert. But since someone is definitely pulling the strings, we need to keep everyone safe.”

I’m stunned. The krylatyy zverʹ are powerful creatures who are few in numbers. They resemble dragons, but they aren’t. They’re much stronger. It was said that dragons are their descendants and the krylatyy zverʹ were unfortunate creations by the moon goddess. “What do we need to do? Are the triads going to help?” I ask, but he shakes his head no. “The triad said it doesn’t concern them and they leave this issue in our capable hands. You know them, if it doesn’t benefit them they won’t help even though we know they can easily fix this.” He sighs 

“I’m going to issue the alert to get all pack members back here until I know what the hell is going on. So far, the attacks are on wolves and humans.” He ends, and he looks defeated. These wars are endless. It was only almost two years ago I was away for months fighting and now it’s happening again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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