{Vale of tears}

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I had to make custom outfits for you :')
It took to long drawing it crys and don't steal my art pls
As I hold on to Alastair as we slowly fall to the ground in our new Clothes looking around at everything •*Alastair POV*•
*Very upsetting journey my love. I'm rid of pris... or whatever she's become.*
•Y/n POV•
I agree Alastair
*well at least the place we landed is somewhat familiar Y/n.*
A cat appears you hid behind Alastair not knowing who he is
[About time too,Alastair oh and it seems like you. Brought a friend. Hmm]
•Alastair's POV•
*She's my girlfriend by the way and blasted cat! Don't try to bully me? I'm very much on edge.*
[Purrrrfect. When you're not on edge, you're taking up to much space.]
*You're no help at all.*
[but you know I can be...]
*I'll frighten myself when necessary, thanks very much. I was hoping to escape with Y/n from all of that.*
[ Abandon that hope! A new law reigns in this wonderland, Alastair. It's very rough justice all around. We're at risk here you and her should be on guard!] as he disappeared
•Y/n POV•
As me and Alastair started running up the path we saw a cow bird Hybrid thing we stopped to look at for a brief moment as Alastair grabbed my hand and Continued our Journey forward as it flew away
There was a glowing object as Alastair went to grab it he remembered a memory |> you're part frog Alastair I swear his brother said you jump so well!>| as he holds my hand as we jump over this part of the hill as Domino's start to move so it's like a path in the air so we can cross as he Carried me bridal style and leapt over to the other side then puts me down as we continued forward As dominoes continue making a pathway for us as he is Carrying me so we can get to the other side we seen a child he giggled and ran a away then disappeared as we continued we seen another memory as he remembered again
|< If you leap from that table again, Alastair I'll expire. You're 2 times too reckless my boy. His mom said >| as he holds me close when we jumped on this mushroom and it Launched is into the air as we seen another memory for Alastair
|< his dad said Amanita muscaria, Alastair is merely a stinky toadstool. A spongy consistency, but poisonous.<| as we We launched up again into he air over to some Purple Water of some sort there is a sign saying drink me *Y/n Alastair said I've been down this road before. Good things in small packages?* As the cat Reappears you got startled a bit and moved closer to Alastair and looked over to the cat as we started walking towards the purple water
[*Though lacking a bathing costume, a plunge in that pool is in order!*]
As me and Alastair started shrinking * My god Y/n we are shrinking in this potion! Shall we disappear my love!?*
i don't know Alastair I'm scared [*Almost but the upside is that while you guys are smaller you can see things that are nearly invisible to your bigger self.*]
*Ah' I get it. Quite!" Forests for the trees"; just the other way around. Short-sighted is more then a matter of perspective.*
As the cat disappears again and we started walking towards a little keyhole and a memory
>|look how small he's become all curled up, he's barely there, a vixen in her hidey-hole. the lawyer said>|as we Shrunk into smaller size we see some arrows and drawings on the wall as we ran Through the keyhole back to Where we were beforehand jumped onto the mushroom again into the other key hole as we seen a big snail two of them actually as we continued downward into another key hole as we went we seen another memory
>|I'll never have more fun alone then when I rode the big slide in hyde park. Papa will take u soon,Alastair. His brother said >| as we jumped on too a light blue mushroom head as we We're launched up into the air as it went a bright white as we we're put onto some Domino's as there was a slide *okay y/n hold on to me okay Love *he grabbed my Waist as I put my arms around his neck as we Slid down to a bloody river as we continued running we saw a rotten bone thing with a blade as the cat Reappears
[* the vorpal blade is swift and keen. And always ready for service.*]
*I've not come back here with my girlfriend looking for a fight.*
[*Really? That's a pity. Ones certainly looking for you and you're Precious lover.*] as he disappeared as we walked toward a memory we picked it up
|< flight or fight " implies a permanent choice. But "flight" often just means putting off the fight to another day choose your battles wisely, Alastair>|
As we ran to a entrance covered in vines and ran to a little place that had black Tar scattered on the ground as a thing Emerges from the Gu Alastair pushes me behind him as he fights off the monsters killing them and opening the pathway so we can move on as he grabbed my hand as we kept running till we seen another memory
|< A flower's purpose is simple and immutable. Human purpose is fickle because it is a slave to memory. Memories must be strictly managed. Alastair. Unproductive ones must be eliminated.>| as we went to a mushroom and it bounced us into the air to a place that has a very long jump so Alastair Pick me up bridal style as he jumped across with his butterflies coming out every time he did so as we we're making it to a Kitchen of some sort a tall lady said
[* ah it's you again Alastair. You may approach and you Brought an dish I mean a friend•*]
•Alastair's POV •
*why would I do that? You want to eat us!
[*yes! Well you taught me man wet and I've lost my taste for mad men and women; strictly a porcine diet for me. Everything is better what bacon, don't you agree? Of course you do. Now, there are pig snouts scattered about. I heard a few behind the house; go fetch them for me you two. But take care of the pests that block your guys way. Pepper them up I'f they do . They need spice and you're just the dish - ehm- boy to season them for me. You'll find that grinder serviceable*]
•Alastair's POV•
Why not season your own pig parts?
[*matter of priorities. My alabaster skin needs protection from the disgusting creatures running amok amidst the environs. But one gets peckish. Look, all you guys have to do is listen to the oink, then shoot the snout. You may like the results. I certainly will. Now let your girlfriend use the pepper shaker she looks like she needs a weapon now off you go.*]
•Y/n's POV•
As flying bolts start coming at us I use the grinder to shoot two of the boltfly's as Alastair brakes the nest and a couple more start to come out as me and him Finish them off he gives me a Quick kiss on the lips as we continue fighting the boltfly's as we walk up a hill and there was one of the tar baby head things we saw before Alastair Quickly goes into action and quickly kills the monster as a pig snout comes into view I pull out my grinder and shoot in in the nose as it goes flying back to the mistress
We ran back to where she was [* Thank you so much for the snout. Now go away! she said*]
As a little key hole door opened up for us he grabbed my hand let's go Love as we shrunk and came to a place we're we see another pig snout I pull out my pepper grinder and shoot it As the domino's make a path for us and more boltfly's nest appears and two baby head monsters appears I shoot the nest and Alastair picked me up and jumped to one of the Domino's and puts me down so I can shoot the goo monsters and he kills another boltfly's nest and he picked me up again and as we leaped Through the air to the other side Where we found another pig snout I shoot it and we got another domino path Where we saw the statue of me crying black Liquid falling out of my eyes as Gross black leeches came out of the gu and started attacking us as we finish them off as we walked to a cliff side and more monsters appeared Alastair killed them with a Breeze Breeze my love you are getting good at this as you kiss him on the cheek -you Aren't doing bad yourself my dear-kisses you on the lips as he picks you up and jumps to the small cliff and then hops to the other one as we shrink to fit in the key hole and walked back out and continued Down the path as some of the cliffs fell and Or replaced by some black goo and some other small cliffs for us to pas on as we finished that part some off the trees Collapsed in front of us as I got startled a little Bit as Alastair picks me up to hop to the other side where we saw that same kid again giggling away as he ran we came across a train Station I suppose as more monsters A rose from the black goo I as shooting the boltfly's nest as he took the baby headed beats as we defeated them the train in front of us fell down from the earthquake
•Alastair 's POV•
Hatter always hated mechanical malfunctions. This disaster is either his doing. Or his epitaph. My love *
As we continued going we're the train fell we went Through the train tunnel as more stuff begin to fall and rocks blocked our way of getting to the other side we went back and slid down a small slide and came across some more monsters they are green with tea cups as hats and weapons as forks as we continued to fight though the goblin like things we came across some flowers as we shrink there was invisible paths he grabbed my hand as we walked over to the other side
As we found another memory >| It could have happened that way, Alastair. You remember poor mr. kook? Died, didn't he? Dr. Wilson rejects spontaneous combustion. But I trust mr. dickens. Nurse witless says>|
As we walk up some stairs to some platform of some sort as we see a horn as Alastair calls a cable car for us to use as a tea cart pulls up as we walk in....

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