32; Partners...again?!

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"-WHAT DO YOU mean you two aren't together?"

Taslim shrugged, crossing her legs as she leaned back. "It's just as I said, we aren't a thing and we will never"

Aisha didn't know if she should trust Taslim. For all she knows, the woman can be one of those that tell you to not worry but turn out to be the biggest threats out there. "No but, Hamza said--"

"-Hamza said that because he has beef with Aslam. Actually, he has beef with everyone in the Abd Al-Rasheed family. It just turns out his with Aslam is, well, you know...the worse" Taslim waved it off like it's not a big deal because to her it isn't. Hamza will learn to accept things as they are and move on.

Aisha stopped herself from saying something again at that instant. She thought of what Taslim said, but only one thing struck out. "Wait, how do you people know Hamza?"

Taslim puckered her lips slightly, thinking of the best way to go about the description. "His father is, was, our family lawyer. He colluded with someone to change grandpa's will; making us think, well, you know...Aslam and I needed to get married before he can get the shares left for him"

"But it's not the case?"

Taslim shook her head, "No it's not" She took it upon herself to explain the situation to Aisha since Aslam told her what happened. She felt like she's partially responsible. And considering Aisha refused to listen to anyone else, it would better for her to hear from her. "Such condition never existed and so is the possibility of Aslam and I ever getting together"

Aisha kept quiet, letting the information sink in. So, Aslam is unmarried? Why does that make her feel relieved though? Wasn't she upset with him? Didn't she tell herself she wouldn't ever get with him? It's his fault for messing things up in the beginning, why should she keep up with it?

That's the thing. Though this misunderstanding has been cleared up, she still is furious at him for leaving her for two years with no word. She had thought of reasons why he did that, and all she could come up with that she's not worth it. She's not worth his time and he realized he's better off without her. All negative thoughts filled her head in the past years and now that she saw Taslim, she realized the kind of women he is used to.

Why would he want someone plain, simple, and with a baggage like hers? Why her when he could have anyone else?

Taslim stared at Aisha for a while, before she uncrossed her legs and leaned towards Aisha slightly, clasping her hands in front of her. "Look, Aisha. I won't lie to you. I spent my entire life, for as long as I can remember believing that I was in love with him and that one day, he will the one I'll complete half my deen with. How could I not? He was always there for me. He's the one person whom I know will always take my side no matter. He was constantly there, you know" She could tell she got Aisha's complete attention then, and for a brief moment, she saw the woman's insecurities show in her eyes but she didn't say a word about it.

Aisha understood how Taslim felt in a way. She understood how it feels like to have someone like that because she has Abdallah. He is just like that to her except not once had she seen him as someone to spend her life with. He was always a brother, a best friend and family.

"-The whole world could come crashing down and as long as I have Aslam, I was okay. I felt like I would be ready to face anyone...to face anything because he is there" She chuckled softly, looking down for a brief second as she swept her tongue over her lower lip before blowing out a breath. "Before we knew the whole marriage thing is fake, I was the one who called it off"

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