Chapter I

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Seulgi's POV

"Seulgi! It'll be your first day to your new school tomorrow, right?" I heard my cousin asked me.

"Yes, Oppa." I said.

"Wanna go clubbing with me later?" he jump on the couch, beside me. I look at him, he looks excited.

"Yah! Who goes clubbing the night before their first day of school?!" Daniel suddenly shows up.

"You're brother is too responsible, isn't he?" Oppa said in a lower tone, making sure my brother didn't hear him.

"Trust me, he's not the responsible type." I said to him.

"Yah! Hyung Mom and Dad entrust us with you, if they found out about thi--"

"You're going with us." when Jinki Oppa said that, I can see my brother's eyes sparkling already.

"You two, can just go together." I suggested to the both of them. I'm not really into those things.

"I can't leave you here, alone." Oppa said.

"Of course, you can!" I said.

"I won't. You're going with us." he said. "I promise we will not go home late." he look at me with his puppy eyes.

"Fine." I said in defeat.

It's for the better. Since we'll be staying at his house now, we'll be spending much time with each other now.

My brother and I just transferred in a new university, Jinki Oppa offered to let us stay at his house since it's closer to the university. It was just suppose to be me, I don't know why Daniel came with me too. Mom and Dad have always been supportive of our decisions, and I'm thankful for that.

Before the night even begins we were already ready. Oppa said, we're going out for dinner too. After dinner we went to where we were really headed to.

"You want us to get a private room?" Oppa asked loudly, since the music in the is starting to get loud as we're entering.

"Yah! Hyung! Where's the fun in that?" Daniel said. I chuckled. I know now why he came with me.

"No need, Oppa." I said.

Oppa, already order some drinks for us. Next thing I know, the two are already on the dance floor. While here I am sitting and drinking alone. I love to dance but not in this type of situation. Some strangers asked me to dance and even offered a drink, but all I did was reject them. I don't have plans on getting drunk tonight. From the fact that my cousin and brother are having a blast, I don't think one of them can still drive when we go home.

I just focus on scrolling down on my phone when someone whispered loudly at me.

"Why don't you dance!" I got startled but when I saw who it is. he received a smack from me.

"Yah!" I shouted. He sat beside me. Jinki Oppa came back too.

"Have some fun, Seulgi! It's not everyday you can do this." He shouted. The music is too loud for him to not shout. I just smiled at them.

"Hyung! Noona!" Daniel just shouted. Oppa and I faced him. "Look at the lady who just entered!" he made us look at the girl she was talking about and I swear to God! She's gorgeous!

"She's fine." Oppa said. I look at him in disbelief, is he really not amazed?

I just stare at her, when suddenly she stopped walking and look into our direction. I met her gaze. "Fuck!" avoided her stare and face Oppa already. My heart is beating rapidly. Oh my God! Stop!

"It looks like she's alone." My brother said. "I'll talk to her." Damn, my brother's confidence! He was about to stand up but I stop him.

"Don't do anything stupid or I'll disown you." I give him a warning. I have a feeling that I want to stop him but I also want to see what he will do, or will he succeed. He nodded before heading to the lady sitting alone.

I just watched my brother's move. I can see a lot of people tried talking to the lady but it didn't took them a minute after they left her all alone again. My brother seemed to look for the perfect time to go near. The moment he did, he was talking in all smiles but suddenly it faded. What happened? I was shocked when the lady turn to my direction and she said something to my brother, that made my brother laugh. The lady look at him again and told him something that made him froze. The next thing I know my brother's already walking back to our table.

"How was it?" Jinki Oppa asked. My brother look at me before looking back at our cousin.


"She's what?" I voice out, out of curiosity. My brother look at me.

"She's way older than I thought." That's it?

"Why how old is she?" Oppa asked.

"She's a few years older than Noona." He said.

"Yah! Are you saying I'm old!?" I smack him. Oppa just laugh.

"I'll go dance again!" Daniel said and run away from me. That kid, really!

"We'll go home at 12, okay?" Oppa said to me before going after Daniel. ugh! those two are just the same!

I felt my phone vibrated. When I look at it my brows furrowed. What made her call me at this our? I got up and went out for quite place. I then answered the phone call.

"Hey! Why'd you call?" I asked.

"Are you out, unnie?" she asked.

"Yes. Is there something wrong?"

"No, nothing. I just wanted to check up on you guys." She said and I laugh.

"Yah! Kang Mina! It hasn't been a week yet and you already miss us? You poor baby." I teased her. "Is Mom and Dad home yet?"

"You know they barely come home, unnie." My sister said, sadly. I guess she's just bored being alone now.

"Don't worry, I'll visit you often." I said to her.


"I promise. Now, go to sleep already." I felt really guilty, now that we left her all alone.

"Good night, unnie." After I said my good night too, she hung up.

I decided to just stay in the outside, to get some air.

For now, I'm just thankful they all understand my decision. I need this.

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