Chapter XXII

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Irene's POV

I can't believe it. She really just left. Well, it's my fault but then it was also her fault for calling me that. I feel my heart beating so fast. It seriously needs to calm down but...

"Why do I hate it when she calls me in a different name?" I asked myself frustratedly.

I look around. Damn it! I fixed my stuffs in a rush. I swear to God! I'll kill Joy for leaving me here. I got out of the room.

"Aaw!" I suddenly heard a voice as soon as I open the door. "That was a little hard." and the I Seulgi holding the back of her head. She waited?

"What were you even doing in front of the door?" I went up to her to check her head.

"I was still contemplating whether I'll leave you here alone or wait for you. I would never know you'll just follow after a few minutes." she said rubbing her head.

"I'll take you to a doctor." I said to her.

"No need. It's not like I'm bleeding." she started laughing already. Seriously?

"Seulgi. We still need to get you to a doctor." I said.

"I said no." what's with her?

"You never listen, don't you?" I told her.

"Tss." what the?! "Let's go?" she looked at me before holding my hand and started walking already. What is she doing?

"Seulgi let go" I tried removing my hand on her buy she just held it tighter.

"Why would I? You didn't let go of me, that time when Jackson told you to." That made me stop walking.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked her seriously. "And what really made you come here and wait for me at this hour?"

"Honestly? I don't know."  she said questioning herself too. Is this a joke? "After the talk with your sister this morning, I wanted to check up on you." what exactly did unnie tell her?

"You didn't have to. I'm doing fine." I said to her.

"Yeah?" she doesn't believe me. Why do I feel like she can see through me? She knows when I'm lying and when I'm telling the truth.

"Seulgi. Why are you..." I just stare at her not completing my question because I don't know what to ask her in the first place. Heck! I don't even know why I started a sentence.

"I just feel like something's connecting me to you and I couldn't stop myself, even if I wanted to." She looks like she's questioning what she's feeling too.

"Do you like me?" I ask her curiously.

"I don't know." she look down and I notice how her hold on my hand loosen. "How about you?" she asked me. "Do you like me?"

Yes, I do.

"Why don't we go home already?" I avoided her question.

I pulled away my hand from hers and started to walk my way to the parking. I can sense her just behind me. It's a good thing she didn't pry about it, because I don't know if I can still keep it.

When I reach my car I turn around and face her, that I think was a bad idea. It seemed like she wasn't paying attention to anything and she was just following behind me. So the moment I stopped and turn around she bump into me, that cause for me to fall on the ground.

"Oh my God! I'm sorry Hyun! I'm so sorry." She panicked and helped me stand up.

"It's fine." I said, fixing myself. When I look up to her, she still have this apologetic look. WHa-- "Wait, wait, wait! You're not going to cry, are you?" Her eyes suddenly became teary and I can tell she's biting the inside of her cheeks to hold back her tears. "Yaaah!" I shouted when I saw her tears fell as she close her eyes.

I look for some tissue in my bag. When I found some, I put it to use. I wipe of her tears. I don't care about anything at this point. All I know is that, I really can't ignore the fact that what she said she's feels about me earlier is what I also feel for her. I just can't ignore this like I planned to. I can't just ignore her.

"Do you not like me?" She asked. Seriously?

"Why are you asking me this, Seulgi?" I said. "You don't even like me. Why does my answer to your question matters this much?" I look at her seriously. She looks down. She contemplating, I can see it. "Let's go home, Seulgi. Did you bring your car with you?" She shake her head. Looks like I'm driving for us again.

I pulled her to my car and opened up the passenger seat for her. We drove off from the university. We just stayed silent until we reach my home. The moment I stopped the car, is the time where she spoke again.

"I honestly know what I feel, I just don't know if I'll accept it or not. The time I'll say it out loud will be the time I'm accepting it. Why your answer matters?" She face me. "Remember what you asked me that time at my parents' house? The question you asked me, while you were still talking on your phone?"

Of course I remember! I was not able to sleep that night because of her answer! Then I realized. I look at her in shock.

"I'll only admit that I like you if say you like me." This is absurd!

"Seulgi that's not how it works!" I said to her. Is she serious?! She's had a boyfriend right? How is she thinking like this? "If you like a person, you like them. There'll be no need for validation or assurance, from that person, to consider or accept what you feel because it's already there. You said it yourself! You know what you feel, then why are you saying that?"

"I don't want any more pain. I don't want to hurt myself anymore. Considering my feelings is taking risks, I don't think I can risk anything now." Oh. That's when the real truth hits me. She's been broken, she's still broken. Her explanation was a bit confusing yet I still got it. It hurts, but it is how it is.

"Then I don't like you." I said as I remove my seatbelt. I got out of my car, trying to hold on because I know any moment now, I'll burst out.

"Wait!" She called and stop me by holding my arm. "Hyun, I--"

"Stop yourself, if you think you still can. Don't consider what you feel. Don't accept it." I said as I remove her hand on me.

I run to my house. Now I got myself in my bed my back leaning to the headboard while I cry.

I felt so fucked up! My parents are controlling, my sister's dumb, while I? I fell for someone who is not strong enough to enter my fucked up life!

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