𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 5.

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No matter where my eyes travel, all I see and feel is white. White noises from the machine, white lights, white bed sheets, white walls... white everything. I felt a slight tug on my left arms. It was connected to a tube, while I could hear the dripping sound of liquid.

"AAH!" I winced in agony as I tried to sit up, my left leg drowning in overflowing pain. Except this time, my legs weren't the only place that hurt. My face... wait no, my scar, also had a stinging feeling. The pain wasn't severe, which was a relief. I must've fallen on my face too even though I was fairly sure I didn't. Ah, what have you gotten yourself into, Mai?!

My head plopped back weakly with a thud onto the soft, airy pillow. Where was I? Heaven? Hell?

Oh, a hospital.

I tried recollecting scraps of my memory from my damaged brain. All I could remember was that I fell during a practice match in volleyball. As to how that happened... maybe I got clumsy, tripped, fell on my legs and face, and boom! I've sent myself on a straight trip to the emergency room.

Almost immediately, a doctor walked in after I pieced together my thoughts. He had messy brown hair and was dressed in a long white coat and slim black leggings. The way he acts seemed oddly familiar. He glanced at me while his face lit up.

"Maira, you're awake! How are you feeling?" Wait, he's Xena's dad, Dr. Hart! How could I have forgotten? That fall must have hit hard.

"Hey, Dr. Hart, I'm feeling fine, thank you for asking, besides feeling like my left leg is being ripped apart. My face also kind of hurts..." I explained.

"Thanks for informing me, Maira. I believe things will get better but you will stay at least one month here, until your leg heals." Dr. Hart said sympathetically. He was my favorite doctor, not that it was because he was Xena's dad, but because he's a genuinely kind man. He snuck treats to me every time I paid a visit, and told me humorous jokes. Although sometimes, his expression turns sad and slightly hysterical. That worried and creeped me out a little but maybe it's just the pressure of being a surgeon, from having to see so many distressed patients and parents everyday. However, there was something else. I saw an imperceptible change from his usual demeanor. He seemed more distant and cold... My brian must be fussing with me again. I must be imagining things.

"Also, I forgot to mention, you had a surgery earlier this afternoon for your leg. It took only an hour or so. Turns out, the bone connecting your calf to your knee was fractured, so I had to put it back together." How could he forget something so important like this?!

"Anyway, I'll let Xena and your friends visit you now. They've been here for hours. As for your mom, she came in earlier to check on you." Dr. Hart finished as he gave a small, polite nod while he exited the room. He hasn't mentioned my dad since... Well, he left when I was three months old. It's been my mom and I ever since, and it could get pretty lonely sometimes.

Xena and Hazel took turns visiting me. They were so thankful to see me. I swear both of them must have cried since the corner of their eyes were tinted red but tried to hide them from me. I assured them I was alright and will be good as new soon and meanwhile they should focus on school and studies. However, Hazel insisted on visiting once a week to keep me company. Xena would text me everyday to see how I was holding up.

It was almost dinner time, so they headed home soon. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the both of them and their kind gestures.

Just as I thought no one else would be visiting, since I wasn't particularly popular at school but not invisible either, there was another visitor. Who else would care enough to come? I couldn't think of anyone.

I heard the squeaking footsteps of their shoes etching closer and closer, until they peeked in through the door and wandered in. That face, that hair, those eyes. I would acknowledge it from ten miles away.

Hayden Acker?

"H-hey Mai. How are you feeling? I've been so anxious all afternoon. God, you and your friends sure did a good job at keeping me waiting." He pulled a chair next to my bed and plopped down comfortably. I was too shocked to say anything. Hady's eyes gave away a flicker of worry. Hady cared enough to come? That's so sweet..! Uh no Mai you are NOT falling for him. Get yourself together bitch.

"I-I'm feeling fine. I mean. I-I will be. And thanks for coming." I gifted him a shy and cute smile. I could see the tips of his ears turn peachy pink while my heart gave a thump, just slightly.

The tense silence enveloped us for a few moments before I disrupted it, not liking this awkwardness.

"It's getting late. Shouldn't you be heading home?" I asked Hayden.

"Well, I've actually decided to stay for the night. I heard from Dr. Hart that your mom always works late, and she could use all the rest she can get. Therefore, I decided to stay with you. W-well, take it as a thank you for tutoring me. I hope that's okay." For once, he couldn't look me in the eyes. I could sense the massive embarrassment radiating from him.

"I don't mind at all. I would really enjoy that."

For dinner, I got hospital food while Hady ordered some McDonalds and got me a McFlurry. We watched Peppa Pig on the hospital quality TV while we talked shit about Suzy behind a backstabber. The tense air from before turned into a relaxed and positive one.


At around 10:00 pm, a nurse came in to check on me to see if I was all tucked in for bed. She left a minute after everything was settled. I felt surprisingly exhausted from all the interaction and the surgery from today, even though I don't remember the latter.

Hayden got ready to sleep on the sofa bed to the left of the room. Before he headed to bed, he turned off the lights and came over. He placed a hand on my bed, and started to lean his face towards my forehead for a small goodnight kiss. To my amazement, I didn't stop him.

As he leaned in ever so close... a never known before sensation rippled through my scars. It was agonizing, a stinging and burning feeling buzzing inside out. My head reeled as I cried (and nearly screamed) out: "ow, ow, OWW!!!" as I pressed both hands on my scar, trying to soothe the unexplainable pain I was going through.

Hayden immediately backed away from me while the pain seemed to leave as quickly as it came, disintegrating into the air.

"Mai! What happened? Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay!" His voice was filled with fear that made my heart ache.

"Yeah.. I- I don't know what happened. I'm sorry.. You better go to sleep. I don't want to bother you anymore." I replied tiredly, not wanting to think about this.

This was the very first night where I couldn't get physically close to Hayden Acker, ever again.

Of course, I didn't know that back then.


Thank you all so much for 900 reads! We're almost at 1k, omg 😮‍💨😳 I'm so grateful for all your support, it means the world to me! Again, any advices for me are always welcome :)

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