Chapter 9: Sylvia join Göering Clan

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Sylvia also entered the place where the Göering clan was located and upon entering, she saw young people inspecting weapons, performing Nazi salutes to their leader and the others.

12th SS Soldier (GC) 3#: Who is she?

12th SS Soldier (GC) 6#: Is she a newbie here?

12th SS Soldier (GC) 9#: I think she new in here

While entering their leader's tent, she was intercepted by two guards

12th SS Soldier (GC) 15#: Whoa! Whoa! Wait in there. Who the hell are you?

Sylvia: I... I wanna join this clan. Can I?

12th SS Soldier (GC) 19#: *scoffs* You think it's easy to join this clan? Why not joining another clan? Why not tell your name?

Sylvia: My name is... Sylvia Ikaruga... Misurugi... A princess of the Misurugi Royal Family who recently repented and... was serving time in prison and my prison term was changed to service in this panzer division.

12th SS Soldier (GC) 19# and 15#: ........

Sylvia: Uh.... Am I wrong or I don't suppose to tell my name?

Instantly the two guards looked at each other in disbelief, because a former Misurugi Empire princess wanted to join them because she had repented.

12th SS Soldier (GC) 19#: Nothing is wrong. It's just, uhhhh... then we can help you get inside

Sylvia: Alright... ok then...

Inside the tent

A boy who is 14 years old and one year older than Sylvia, he is named Gerhardt Göering, and Hermann Göering is his great-grandfather

Herrick: *look at the Neo-Mana news* Heh, you see that, the weak Misurugi troops were still strong enough to fight our troops but they ended up dead too. It's so crazy. Can you feel it?

Ferdinand Reiss: Yeah it's like 50 million Reichsmarks

Gerhardt: Yup, that sound funny

Then the two guards came and met him

12th SS Soldier (GC) 19# and 15#: *Nazi salute* Heil Hitler

Gerhardt: Heil Hitler. What makes you two coming here?

12 SS Soldier (GC) 15#: We're dropping off a newbie who wants to join our clan

Gerhardt: Who is that?

12th SS Soldier (GC) 19#: And it's girl, sir

Then Sylvia appeared and made Gerhardt a little surprised

Sylvia: Uhh, hi? You are their leader?

Gerhardt: What do ya think?

Sylvia: Umm, I don't know

Gerhardt: Your name must be Sylvia Ikaruga Misurugi, the former princess of Royal Family of Misurugi Empire. Your prison term is replaced with service in the 12th Panzer Division for 6 months

Sylvia: Why you know?

Gerhardt: I can read your mind

Sylvia: You did?

Gerhardt: Yes. Neo-Mana power can used not only possess a weapon to break a Mana shield easily, we also can lifting a things, uses it as a communication, jamming the signals, read the people minds and can freezing people

Sylvia: Freezing people? Are they still alive?

Gerhardt: Yes, they are alive, but their bodies can't move, but their minds are still alive and they can still see even though they can't move their eyes.

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