The Bench On The Hill

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[Ran 👁 Boo 👁 ]

Tubbo: Ranboo

Ranboo: Tubbo

Ranboo: How's it going!!

Ranboo: How was it?

Ranboo: Are you on your way back now?

Ranboo: The Captain left to pick you up a while ago

Ranboo: I was going to come but decided not to

Tubbo: Ranboo listen

Ranboo: Was it spooky?

Ranboo: Oh sorry

Ranboo: What's up?

Tubbo: Can I borrow your portable charger?

Ranboo: Sure it's in my top desk drawer

Ranboo: You can grab it whenever

Tubbo: I mean now?

Tubbo: I can't come home right now

Tubbo: But my battery is low and I don't wanna be stranded without a phone

Ranboo: Uh

Ranboo: I'm not sure how I can?

Ranboo: Aren't you in a car rn?

Tubbo: No I'm on my bench

Tubbo: You know the park with the big hill next to it?

Tubbo: You come here a lot too

Ranboo: Yeah I know the one but

Ranboo: Why are you there?

Tubbo: I left before Mr.Sparkelz came

Ranboo: ????

Tubbo: I didn't want to!

Tubbo: Exactly

Tubbo: Something happened

Ranboo: Tubbo please don't be ominous

Ranboo: You know I don't handle things like that well

Ranboo: Especially when I'm freaking out

Ranboo: And you're freaking me out

Tubbo: I'm sorry I didn't mean to be vague

Tubbo: I do want to be discreet though

Tubbo: Mostly because I don't really know what's going on either

Tubbo: Tommy met me at the station

Tubbo: and

Ranboo: Yeah? Please finish the sentence

Tubbo: He's freaked out so I came here with him

Tubbo: Sorry I was panicking about what to say. my phone is really about to die

Tubbo: If I stop responding that's why

Tubbo: So I can't give you a full story

Ranboo: That's okay! Thank you for telling me.

Tubbo: I don't know how to summarize this

Ranboo: Don't worry about it

Ranboo: I'll come give you the charger you can tell me then

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