Teleporting to an unknown world

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Author's POV

Ahhh,  Ninjago a peaceful place "Hey come back" unless you're a ninja who is chasing a villain in the middle of the day

The villain is currently on the run from the ninjas who are pursuing him "Don't run away"  the red ninja said who is in front of the group next and behind him are his friends and sister the ninjas while a certain pink ninja is parkouring through the buildings trying to get ahead of the villain before conjuring an f/c orb and throwing it to the villain's feet  literally making him stand frozen "Stop?!" the pink ninja angrily yelled at the villain before making her way down safely the ninjas then surrounded the villain "I believe you have something that belongs to us" the ninja in white spoke walking towards the villain who smirk pulling a stolen item from their pocket "You want it, well good luck" he said throwing the item towards you who disappeared in a flash "Y/N/Sis" the ninjas yelled, the red ninja growled before grabbing the villain by the neck "Where did that item take my sister?" he demanded "That item is a dimension crystal if you want to get her back you need to travel to a different world" he said with a smile which made Kai knock the villain out cold "Great first the villain stole the dimension crystal then Y/N teleported to a different dimension that who knows what's in there" he growled yet unlike the usual anger he felt bitter for not being able to save his sister "Relax, Kai we need to tell Master Wu that guy has a tea for every situation" Lloyd said trying to make the red ninja and a certain gray ninja feel better

The villain is currently on the run from the ninjas who are pursuing him "Don't run away"  the red ninja said who is in front of the group next and behind him are his friends and sister the ninjas while a certain pink ninja is parkouring through t...

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Meanwhile with you

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Meanwhile with you

You felt dizzy as you clutch the item in your hands "Excuse me who are you?" an unknown voice spoke you turned around to see a man who is wearing a suit "You won't believe me if I tell you" you spoke shyly lowering down your hood the man is stunned "Are you a ninja?" he ask "Yes but" you said before noticing you are outside on top of the mountain and a few feet before you is some sort of a rickety broken down building "I am a ninja from another world"

Karasuma's POV

"I am a ninja from another world" the girl spoke She seems to be telling the truth but if she is from another world then how did she get here?

"How did you get here then?" I ask she looked at me "me and my siblings are chasing a villain who stole a dimension crystal from us and he threw it at me when we cornered him" she said "Perhaps we should get inside you can tell me about your world later" I said gesturing her to follow, I led her inside the faculty room "Whose that?" Irina ask me pointing to the girl behind me "She's someone from another world" I said "Hmm" Koro-sensei said with interest "Really in that case how did you get here? and what world did you come from?" he ask the girl looked down for a moment before looking at Koro-Sensei "Me and my friends are chasing a villain who stole a dimension crystal that we have retrieved in our last mission, but he throw it at me when we cornered him and the world I came from is called Ninjago where there are people who have elemental powers" she answered him it was my turned to questioned her I face her before asking "Do you know how to get back?" she shook her head "If it was Dimension's tea that teleported me here I can get back but since its a dimension crystal then I don't know how the dimension crystal work because the villain stole it before we can study its uses" she said "I see" "So what are we gonna do now?"  Irina asked me and Koro - Sensei "We could let her stay in our class until she can figure out how to get back" Koro Sensei suggested "And I don't mind having a ninja could give us an upper hand in assassinating this octopus" I answered "Eh?" the girl said in confusion "I'll tell you later in the classroom or perhaps your classmates can fill you in," I said to her she just nodded 

Meanwhile the ninjas

Lloyd has finish explaining what had happened to Master Wu who sighed "The dimension crystal you can bring her back but you must bring her back after she finishes her mission" "mission?!" Kai and Nya exclaimed "Yes, the dimension crystal has the ability to send someone to a different mission but its safe to assume it knows which dimension needed a certain someone to save it after all as long as light and good exist darkness and evil will also exist" Master Wu said leaving the ninjas in shock "but how are we gonna make sure her mission is accomplished" Jay ask concern for his little sister figure "You don't but Kai and Nya are" Master Wu pointed to the two siblings "Why us?" Nya ask "Because you are Y/N's biological siblings and she might need your help" Master Wu answered after a few seconds the siblings reluctantly agreed "Good now come we need to buy some Dimension Tea" he said gesturing for the two to follow.

Back with you (Karasuma and Koro-Sensei already told the class about you at this point)

The class quickly surrounded you all interested in your dimension "So what do you do in your dimension?" Nagisa asks the white-haired girl "Um we just save the world from evil forces which is not fun and our plans always go wrong" you admitted "But I have to admit your life is pretty interesting Y/N - chan I mean can you imagine a few years from now you'll be telling everyone your adventure maybe even to your children" Kanzaki said to her which made Nakamura and Karma smiled evilly "Speaking of children Y/N" Nakamura said Y/N can tell she is one of those people who love to ship "Do you have a crush in your ninja group?" Karma teased which is enough to make you go flustered "Um yes I do but um... promise not to tell, in case all of them teleported here" you stuttered since your still blushing, everyone either nodded or zip their lips "Its (Zane/Cole/Lloyd)(the white/black/green ninja)" you said which made the two shippers smile evilly "And no no shipping either because let's just say I think my crush is already interested in some girls I mean (choose Zane/Cole/Lloyd's crushes ex Lloyd has a crush on Harumi) what if he isn't interested in me" you said "Hey you tell your secrets to the right people" Karma smirk which made Nagisa and Kayano sweatdrop "Karma No" Nagisa started "Karma yes" Karma argued back "So what do you guys do?" you ask trying to understand what Karasuma-sensei said about "Assassinating this octopus" "Oh well we have to assassinate Koro-Sensei before or by the end of the year otherwise he'll blow up Earth" Isogai answered "You mean what Karasuma-sensei meant octopus" you chuckled which made the class slightly laugh "yeah him but to be honest its hard defeating a creature who is at the speed Mach 20" Nagisa started "Hmm" was all you can say before raising your hands and clasping them it was a position that you normally do when you are thinking "That's because you rely on speed if it was an enemy then you're gonna have to outsmart him" you explained "A great assassination plan requires tons of hours of strategic thinking since there are many factors affecting it" you continued further "Tell me do anyone of you knows Koro-Sensei's weak spot since at first glance I can tell his weaknesses are something he can make his strength" you told the class when Itona raised his hand "His only weak spot is his heart which is underneath his tie" Itona told you "Hmm can he regenerate his tentacles?" you ask and all the class nodded "Yeah but whenever we cut one of them his speed drastically decreases of course they do grow back after a few seconds" Sugino told you, thinking again for a few moments before you face the class "So if you want to assassinate him you need a plan that requires decreasing his tentacles and some one has to stab him" you said "Yeah but only the Government made weapons can do damage to him their harmless to humans but they can hurt him" Ritsu said "Weapons as in the rubber knives and bb guns that you guys have" you said glancing at the class's uniforms noticing that some of them have BB guns some of them have rubber knives while others have both hidden on their pockets "Yeah" Isogai said sheepishly you smiled and stand up "Well since I'm part of your class now even though its temporary I'll help you" you said with a close-eyed smile which made the class gasp "You-You will" Nagisa stuttered shocked that someone let alone a ninja is going to help them save the world "Yeah not just because to save the world but for some reason I feel like I'm supposed to help you accomplish this goal" you answered honestly, everyone is pretty surprise at that but thanked you regardless "So care to help us with a plan Y/N" Karma smirk at you "Easy Karma, as I've said there are many factors affecting a plan we need to eliminate those factors if we want the assassination to succeed one of those factors for me is to know your skills that way I know who is suited for  a specific part in the plan" you said as Karma nodded at your answer.

Ninjas and Assassin (Ninjago x Assassination Classroom)Where stories live. Discover now