Siblings Time/Assembly time

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3rd POV

Y/N is currently hiding in the gym above class 3E as the student body gathered there for the monthly assembly why? you ask, well because she isn't a registered student in Kunugigaoka High so it'll be weird if she showed up out of nowhere in a school where everyone knows each other "Where's Karma?" Sugaya ask Nagisa which made Y/N stifle a laugh at first glance she already knew that Karma is one of those 'delinquent' types ditching class and assemblies only showing up when it really mattered but then she frown when she saw just how the other students are treating them which made her want to cry it reminded her of the time she was 'there' No Y/N stop crying you aren't there anymore even though it feels like it is she thought to herself "You are the cream of the crops" the school dean announce jostling Y/N out of her thoughts "I your school dean can vouch for that but if you don't work hard" he said Y/N notice his eyes are looking at class 3E "You'll end being good for nothing" he said as the other classes laugh at them Y/N clench her teeth in anger she wanted to scold them but she knows better than getting attention "Now then the student council will make a speech about the upcoming activities" one of the students said getting offstage as the guy with green hair wearing glasses came onstage "Teppei Araki" Y/N thought she knows all of the students names even what the Class 3 dubbed as the Big 5 since she caught a glimpse of the students names compiled in a list that is in a computer inside 3E's faculty room Y/N then saw the student council giving handouts to the students and it made her furious when she felt the aura of all the student council gives off it was an aura of a jokester meaning they purposely printed the copies enough for classes A-D "Now then the student gave you the handouts" Araki said "Eh Handouts" Sugaya ask in surprise "Where are ours" Y/N heard him ask Isogai whom she recalled to be the class representative however Okano only gave him a signal to be quiet So students in 3E aren't allowed to talk back or talk aloud huh Y/N made a mental note but Isogai raised his hand as if he to get attention "Excuse me, but class 3E haven't received a handout" he said then Araki turned to him Y/N can tell he is about to make a humiliating moment "Really that's funny, I'm sorry it seems that we forgot to make a handout for Class 3E" he said trying to stop his laughter then Y/N felt the atmosphere tense as if something or someone unexpected had arrived "I guess you have to write it down after all your brain could use it" he said laughing which made the other students laugh as well then Y/N felt a large breeze and she saw a yellow tentacle gave her a paper containing the activities Koro-Sensei I guess when you're fast no one can spot you that easily Y/N thought she looked down to see everyone had a handwritten copy of the handouts then she saw the familiar brown and black hair Nya, Kai you thought happily, happy to see your siblings again "Isogai-kun" Koro-Sensei spoke Y/N laugh at his disguise "There you all received a handwritten copy" he said spinning and balancing the pencil expertly on his fake glove fingers "Oh please continue class 3E has their copies" Isogai said as his classmates smiled "Huh" Araki ask in confusion "Hey who ruined our fun" he said trying to find the right words "" as it was now class 3E's turn to laugh "Er.. um.. ahem, what kind of speech is that, can you at least speak in words everyone can understand" Nya spoke which made the others except Kai and Y/N gasp No one really spoke bad about them huh Y/N said to herself her eyes slowly twitching wanting to drop down and participate "Hey do you know who I a-" Araki said before being cut off by Kai tackling him then the rest of the big 5 showed up trying to tackle Kai but he simply dodge their attempts and even fought them off before grabbing Araki by his shirt collar "Onii-San" you finally out loud quickly jumping down and landed on your feet "Let him go" Y/N said to her older brother "Why?" Kai said to her his eyes filled with rage "Do you know who you're fighting?!" a student from the main classes shouted in anger before a sound of protests from the students "Let them go?!" "Who do you think you are?!" are the sounds of words "I am Kai Smith" Y/N's brother yelled "What about you?" he ask that's when Y/N grabbed the microphone "Attention staff we have students here on the stage, who don't know who they are if anyone of you can help identify these students please go to the stage" Y/N said in a teasing manner which made some of Class 3E laugh at her antics. After that whole ordeal you and your siblings are punished with more homework as well cleaning the windows "Thanks for the help big bro but now you're stuck in here until we assassin Koro sensei" Y/N said wiping the smudge of the window "Wait assassinate an unkillable teacher?" Kai ask "Yes, he is a Mach-20 humanoid octopus and we have until the end of the year before he blows up Earth that is coming from a creature who blow up the moon" Y/N explained "How?" Nya ask looking at Y/N who just shrugged "I don't know all of us ask Koro-sensei about his past but he remains tight lip" she answered. "Eesh these windows are dirty, are these people honestly rely on you guys to misbehave or be late just to clean up" Kai whined using a wet cloth to wash the dirt off the window off "Honestly I don't know I have only been trapped here this morning" Y/N said "At the end of the year so we have 8 months at best to assassinate him" Nya said "Yeah but I wanted to form an assassination plan where everyone in class 3E can contribute ten billion yen is no joke and I wanted them to benefit from it" Y/N said with a smile, even though she has been in this class less than a day she quickly grew attach to the class "Well 10 billion yen is a high amount of money and in a class of almost 20 students that's enough to pay for their tuitions for College and some of their living necessities when they live on their own" Nya said already calculated the money "I guess" Y/N said in a hushed tone "10 billion divided by 20 everyone has 500 million more than enough for tuition fees and house bills they still have a lot of money they can use" Y/N explained.

Time skip after finishing their punishment

Barely 30 minutes have already passed and all the windows in the main campus has been cleaned out much to the shock of the other students "Whoa you and your siblings cleaned the windows so fast its only been 27 minutes" Nakamura exclaimed in shock "Well our master made us do chores when we moved into our new home which is extremely dirty if we aren't a ninja we wouldn't be able to clean up until sundown" Kai sheepishly said that one made Y/N and Nya laugh remembering the time when they just moved in the Destiny Bounty the bounty was dirty the water was dirty and that was also the time when Nya and Y/N met Jay's parents the 2 girls smile at the memory while Kai just playfully glared at his sisters before pulling a smile of his own. Remembering how Jay's mother Edna made Jay embarrassed by telling them the time that Jay kissed his own pillow. 

"Hey, remember the time when before you became a pink ninja Y/N you are the mysterious helper" Nya ask Y/N who laugh "Yeah I remember that" Y/N answered "Mysterious helper?" Terasaka asks "Yeah when we are training to be ninjas before Lloyd became a green ninja someone named the mysterious helper is helping us on our missions by giving us letters containing information about the serpentine" Kai answered, if Y/N is being observant which she is, she knew how Kai and Terasaka are very similar they both have a fiery temper and can disagree on certain plans and things, whereareas Nya is very similar to Kataoka intelligent yet their abilities rival that of the boys while Y/N has similarities to Kayano, Nagisa, Karma and Nakamura intelligent, can analyze their target's weaknesses and can put their ideas in action yet while remaining discreet Y/N can tell Karma is one of those people who specializes in violence since according to Nakamura, Karma landed in class 3E due to his violent behavior which leads to him being suspended at some point during the school year while the other students are in the E – class because they have failing grades or in the case of Isogai broke the school rules.

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