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My wish was granted when I said that the movie marathon would be our last activity because Venti's mood suddenly drained and he also had to clean my hoodie since the wet tissues didn't work.

It was satisfying to hear that the slumber party came to an end because it means that I can finally ask Aether about how he feels about me. But I think he has to wash off the egg yolk sticking to his hair first.

The villa is big, so it's impossible that it won't have guest rooms. Chongyun was the one who picked our rooms, and as a shitty bastard, he assigned me to a room next to Aether.

I went inside and sighed in relief. Alone at last. I decided to freshen myself up before I went to bed.

I want to sleep, but I can't because my eyes won't shut down. Aether is probably busy cleaning himself off, so I can't ask him now. I don't want to waste time, but I don't know what will keep me busy.

I groaned and rested my arm on my forehead. My brain suddenly recalled the moment when he first confessed to me.

• Flashback •

School is a place where children learn. But as for me, it is hell. I despise being close to people. I hate it when they talk to me or touch me, but I have no choice.

Sir Zhongli said that education is important because it will help me gain knowledge that will help me in the future. I don't want to go, but it's my privilege to follow his orders.

Sir Tartaglia voluntarily drove me to school. He was really a talkative person, but my responses were simply yes or no. It made me overthink if he thinks that I'm rude, but I just don't know how to keep the conversation going. It's hard, and it's making me uncomfortable.

"Sweetie, we're here!" He said. I'm still not used to him calling me Sweetie or Xiao because my real name is Alatus.

He exited first and helped me open the car's door. He suddenly offered his hand to me and asked, "Are you scared? Do you want to hold my hand?"

I don't know what to say, but to be honest, I am. Seeing other people makes me nervous. I slowly nodded my head and gently held my hand.

He smiled when my grip tightened. "Don't be nervous. You'll be fine."

Sir Tartaglia escorted me, and it surprised me when a pair of yellow eyes greeted me the moment I stepped into my classroom. It was that kid.

His shiny blonde hair, his yellow eyes, and his wide grin made me feel disgust. Why is he here? I don't want to get involved with him. Are we classmates? No, it can't be.

"Xiao!" He shouted and waved his hand to me. His loud voice created attention, and now students are looking at me. Great, the day keeps getting worse, and it's all because of him.

"Xiao, look! It's Aether. Don't you want to say hi to him, sweetie?" I'd rather run.


"Hello, Uncle Childe! What brings you here? Wait, don't tell me Xiao's going to school here!" He said excitedly.

Sir Tartaglia nodded his head and smiled. "Yes! He's going to study here, and it delighted me to see that you two are classmates."

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