*Chapter 7*

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I guess you could classify Clark as a little feminine when it comes to getting ready. I mean, I can get ready in less than fifteen minutes, but he took an hour to shower, fix his hair, and get dressed. We didn't even get to my car until about 5:30. 

"Since when did you turn into a girl who takes an hour to get ready?"I smirked at him as I looked over my shoulder to pull out of the parking space.

"Well my shower was thirty minutes long, so it didn't actually take me that long."

"Whatever you say, Claire."

We both laughed until we couldn't breathe anymore and then decided to listen to some music. I put in the first CD that my hand landed on, which happened to be the disc that Luke burned for me right before he left all those years ago. His melodic voice flowed through the speakers, not yet as perfected as it is now, but better in it's raw innocence. Better in the fact that this was when we still loved each other.

"Who is this? They are really good,"Clark remarked.

I tried not to show my despair at his question,"This is Luke,"my voice cracked on his name.

"Your ex that we met at the party?"

I gave an affirmative nod, not trusting my voice to remain steady through the short positive word.

"You should see if he's performing anywhere soon. I would love to hear him live,"When he asked this question, it was like he was testing me, trying to figure out what my reaction would be to this little statement.

"I don't think that is the best idea,"I tried to keep my expression neutral.

"And why is that?"

I turned my head to make sure he could see how peeved he was making me,"We are not on the best of terms right now."

He gave me a curious look. This was one of his cons. Always nosy,"What is that supposed to mean?"

I pulled into the parking lot quickly and put the car in park before I crashed us into a telephone pole.

"It means,"I said, my voice rising an octave,"That I don't like him. I want to claw his face off. He broke my heart and this conversation makes me want to slap that curious look right off your face."

I dropped my forehead onto the steering wheel and took deep breathes to calm my racing heart. Clark mumbled something and started to gently rub my upper back. I slowly relaxed and lifted my face up to meet his eyes. 

"I'm sorry,"he whispered and leaned forward to give me a small peck on the lips.

"It's alright. Let's just forget what happened and go have fun while eating delicious food,"I gave him a small smile and we both got out and headed to the building.

He opened the door for me like a gentleman and I gave him an appreciative smile. We were sat at a table in the far corner and soon enough our ordered food arrived.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the scent that wafted up from my delicious looking Chicken Alfredo. I took a bite and resisted the urge to moan at the amazing flavors that bursted in my mouth.

"How come we have never come here before?"I gave him an incredulous look.

"Because it just opened,"he chuckled.

"Well, I plan on coming here all the time from now on. I want to try everything on the menu."

"Even the Casu Marzu on pita bread for an appetizer?"he smirked.

"Sure why not?"I shrugged, not caring as long as it was made by the same person who created the master peice that I was currently stuffing my face with. I took a breadstick from the center of the table and dipped it into the creamy sauce floating along the edges of my plate.

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