9) d i v e r t e d

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Ash had planned on going to see his parents and helping them around, like he normally did when he had a day off. He knew his dad needed all the help he could get, but he had a feeling Miles also needed company. Someone or something to take his mind off his dad.

"I don't know about you.." Miles began, glancing at Ash. "But I'm planning on buying two bottles of wine and running around the city and singing Madonna at the bottom of my lungs. I can get it done by myself, but if you want to save me from the hangover of the year and probably from getting arrested in the process, feel free to join me."

"Is that a sneaky way for you to pay for my drinks?" Ash arched an eyebrow.

"Who knows. Take it or leave it." Miles shrugged. He was feigning ignorance, but the silent plea for Ash not to leave him alone was written all over his eyes.

"If you're going to buy all that wine for yourself either way, I guess I have no other option than to help you down some of it." Ash gave in.

He had squandered his last spare to buy their pizza, so if he didn't want to leave Miles hanging, he had no other option than to let him pay. He needed to swallow his pride, just for this once, and besides, he could always pay back later.

Miles started grinning when he hopped up from the couch. He changed into a pair of black jeans, a light brown college sweatshirt and a faded denim jacket. The jacket was ripped on its sleeve, which was no doubt a fashion thing rather than having to wear something ragged when you can't afford to buy a new one.

"Hop on." Ash picked up his bike while Miles locked the front door. When Miles turned to face him, he sucked in a breath and faltered on his step. His reaction puzzled Ash and he furrowed his eyebrows when he asked: "I thought you said you loved biking?"

"I do. It's not that, it's.." Miles rubbed his throat, averting his gaze. His face was bleak, like the thought of getting on a bike terrified him. Then, finally, he stepped closer: "Okay, sure."

Ash opted not to ride fast, but Miles still had a death grip around his waist. They drove across the richer part of the town and then closer to the side of the city Ash lived in. The longer they drove, the looser Miles' grip on Ash became. Ash dared to pedal faster, feeling Miles' fear dissolving. By the time they reached the liquor store, Miles was laughing and he had shut his eyes.

"Why were you afraid of my bike?" Ash asked when he was walking his bike and Miles was slouching next to him, carrying two wine bottles in a tote bag. Their plan was to drop Ash's bike in his apartment and then wander around the city.

"I'll tell you.." Miles grinned self-consciously and whisked a lock hair off his face. Then he nudged Ash's arm with his elbow. "But you'll have to get me drunk first."

"Sounds fair." Ash agreed.

After they had gotten rid of the bike, Ash guided Miles to a smaller street which would take them to one of his favorite places in town. When they made it to a high wire fence, Ash threaded his fingers on the wires. He started climbing and only then looked down over his shoulder at Miles, who was still standing on the ground. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes, but if I die, I'm going to be mad." Miles pursed his lips and started making his way up, while the bottles clinked inside his tote bag. They made it over the fence more or less graciously and then stopped to look around in the deserted basketball field.

"I don't know why, but the entry is always locked and no one rarely comes here." Ash explained as Miles turned to look at him with a question in his eyes. "Sometimes I come here with a friend of mine to shoot hoops."

Oftentimes, though, Ash came there alone. He liked to take his earbuds with him and sit his back against the fence, thinking. It was his safe haven, a place to hide when things outside got too much. Ash had a feeling Miles could do with a place like that, to get away from his dad.

They sat against the fence and Miles handed Ash one of the wine bottles. He dug out a bag of sour Skittles next and lastly his wine bottle. They clinked the bottles and opened them at the same time. The wine was strong and bitter, but still better than the cheap beer Ash was used to drinking at Brandon's.

"Ew, this tastes like a hangover." Miles grimaced, read the label from the bottle, shrugged and took another gulp.

Ash knew he shouldn't have been drinking, at least not heavily, since he had to get up early for work the next morning. All the same, as he listened to Miles telling stories, he couldn't have cared less about anything else. Miles made him want to forget work and other responsibilities, even for just a day.

The wine was strong and eating Skittles for late breakfast with it was as good as drinking on an empty stomach. It was half past noon on Saturday and they were already buzzed.

"So, what's the thing between you and my bike?" Ash questioned. Miles gave him a sheepish ugh-you-remembered grin and then leaned down to roll the leg of his jeans up to his knee.

"I do love biking, the last time I did so just didn't end well." Miles looked down at the faded operation scar, which stretched all the way from his ankle to his knee.

Ash didn't know what to say, so he just nodded. Miles rolled down the leg of his jeans and gave Ash a playful grin, which made the corners of his eyes crinkle. Miles was the kind of person everyone loved to have around, the kind of person who could fill all the awkward silences and make everyone feel like home.

"Enough about me, tell me something about you." Miles challenged Ash. When Ash just frowned at him, having no idea what to say, Miles coaxed: "Just give me like three facts or something."

"What's in it for me?" Ash narrowed his eyes, taking a swig from his wine.

"I'll only give you the best kiss of your life." Miles grinned and threw his hands in the air with a small shrug.

"Damn." Ash muttered, running a hand through his hair. He had been dying to kiss Miles since last night. "Well played."

Ash was ranking his brain, trying to think of something interesting but not overly revealing to say. He didn't exactly get chatty when drinking, but it did make the words flow more easily. It wasn't that he needed to drink to get rid of shyness or anything like that, because his sullenness had little to do with him being shy. He just wasn't much of a talker, that's all.

"I was raised a Buddhist. I do believe in karma, but that's pretty much it." Ash raised his forefinger, as if to count the facts. "I'm not one of those grumpy people who become all soft and cuddly once you get to know them." He raised another finger. "And.. I could hack your computer in a nanosecond if I felt like it." He raised the third finger and made a big deal of showing it to Miles.

Miles let out a small chuckle when Ash's gaze landed on his lips. Then he drew in a deep breath, his expression turning grave and leaned closer to Ash. His fingers tucked Ash's hair gently, keeping him still as he closed the distance between them. Miles' lips felt warm and soft against Ash's, their movements tentative at first, but gaining confidence as Ash answered the kiss.

Ash cupped Miles' cheeks and pulled him closer as he leaned the back of his head on the fence. Miles stumbled, causing their lips to thud back together almost painfully, and he let out a small laughter. He was an excellent kisser, making Ash feel lightheaded. Ash entwined his fingers in Miles' hair, turning it into a tangled mess. He could taste Skittles and wine on their lips and it was without doubt the best kiss of his life.

"Please don't hack my Mac." Miles whispered. He moved to sit against the fence next to Ash and leaned his head on Ash's shoulder.

"Just don't piss me off and your Mac is safe." Ash promised and wrapped his arm around Miles' shoulders. They drank in silence for a while, just leaning on each other and thinking.

Only when they started getting hungry, realizing that Skittles and wine truly didn't count as a late breakfast slash lunch, they decided it was time to get going. Ash stood up first, having to take a moment to just ground himself, and Miles followed his example. Only he didn't quite manage to ground himself and he stumbled, needing Ash to steady him.

Miles started laughing in Ash's arms and looked up at him to ask: "How the hell are we going to climb that fence now?"


Sorry I've been so slow with the updates, my life is kind of hectic at the moment.

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