Chapter 3. Dinner

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Dinner was a quiet affair, both men sat  silently secretly  sneaking glances at one another while they ate.Pinky a scrawny ,well dressed house elf had popped in to clear the table after dinner was over .

The dinning room's table was cleared and both men sat in a uncomfortable silence. Remus was picking at the edge of the now emptied table , seemingly  uncomfortable  under Snape's harsh stare ."If you're done tearing my table to shreds , you could head to your room . I have papers to grade ."Snape said .Hoping his tone alone  would make the flee bag retreat back into his room .

Back in his room Remus was unsure of what to do, he stood looking around at the vast emptiness of his bedroom.He hadn't given It much thought when he first arrived.There was a king-sized bed in the center of the room.It's sheets a warm brown ,with white pillows .He was taken aback by it as he had expected the whole room to be covered in dark colors or black .To the left-side of the king-sized bed was a small wooden table , which had a lamp and an alarm clock.That was all there was to the room, it was simple yet, Remus couldn't help but smile .He had gone from being without a home to having a roof over his head.He vowed to try to keep out of Snape's way for the duration of his stay.He wondered how long it took for Dumbledore to convince Snape into housing him, as he peeled back the covers of the bed to turn in for the night.

Snape sat at his desk ,he was finished with grading .Glancing to the left the time read 2:00 pm , down the hall Snape could hear a light snoring coming from Remus' room .He stayed there mind going over the past events .He had gone from being completely alone in his house all summer ,to having to house an old classmate of his.Although, it seemed as if Remus was just that , a classmate , a hated one at least .Brushing a hand over his face ,Snape sighed, how had he let Dumbledore talk him into this . He wondered Would he hate the next two weeks or would they go pleasantly.

Remus awoke at the blazing sound of an alarm clock, rubbing his eyes he turned his side . Remus turned  and shut off the alarm clock.The room was incredibly dark as there was no window in the room , his only only light was from the alarm clock .Ten  minutes till seven it read, Remus hopped off the bed and shuffled over to his suitcase not wanting to wake Snape .He didn't know if Snape was an early riser or not and he wanted to keep true to his promise of keeping out of the broody man's way .Peering over his suitcase,Remus pulled out a pair of charcoal grey socks, a white dress shirt and a pair of black slacks.Flicking on the lights of his bathroom ,Remus stepped inside .He changed as fast as he could to avoid the cold morning air .He took a his time brushing his teeth and scrubbing his face with the cold water .Taking a quick look at himself in the mirror he could see the making of a small beard . He went to retrieve a razor from his suitcase ,he figured that he could make an effort to look a bit more  presentable .

Making his way down the hallway he reached Snape's bedroom ,his door left wide open .He could hear rustling from some where on the right side of Snape's room .Fearing he may have caught Snape dressing,Remus slowly tiptoed backwards towards the stairs ."I'm not undressed ,you may come in."Snape's voice whispered aloud."

"Oh ,I hadn't meant  to peer in , I  was just headed downstairs. "Remus whispered back now standing in the doorway.

Remus stood taking in Snape's attire ,he was dressed similarly with the white  dress shirt and black slacks .However, Snape's slacks appeared to be much darker than his .It seems Snape stayed a practical man after all. Snape stood and walked past Remus and into the hall ."Breakfast is ready ,if you're hungry. "was all Snape said before descending down the stairs .

Breakfast went off without a lot of tension between them ,as if an unspoken truce as made between them .Remus was enjoying a toast smeared with blueberry jam ,which he'd never had before when Snape spoke ."I'm heading out this evening , seeing  as you can behave you can tag-long ."

Remus chuckled at the last part of Snape's comment.He looked over at Snape ,he appeared to be in a manageable mood this morning  ,Remus took that as a good sign .Remus' eyes locked onto Snape's he stared at them ,they were a dark shade of black ,they contrasted heavily against Snape's pale skin .His eyes drifted down towards Snape's lips ,they were slightly puffy and red from Snape drinking a hot cup of coffee.Snapping out of his daze Remus finally spoke "I'd love to ."

Stood  right in front of Remus was the entrance of Diagon Alley, from what Snape told him so far they were here to restock on potion supplies and groceries.Remus stood aside while Snape opened up the entrance .Diagon Alley appeared to be less crowded than usual, Remus was accustomed to the bustling crowds of people going in and out of stores.

Snape couldn't help glancing over his shoulder, Lupin stood there gwaking at the scene ahead of them . He thought the other man looked rather, stupid ,standing there so unaware of his surroundings.Snape snarked out "Hurry up and stop gawking like an idiot ."with that the two men head towards Gringrotts .

"Ah, Professor Snape ,lovely to see you this evening.Restocking your potion supply I presume."greeted an elder goblin . 

"Yes ,and lovely to see u too Grigore."Snape gently replied . Remus had expected an insult to be thrown the goblin's way ,but what Lupin hadn't known was that Grigore was the one who had helped Snape leave his toxic household.

AUTHOR's Note:I know I said I would post but I honestly forgot about this fanfic .Im going to rewrite the first two chapters.HOPEFULLY I STICK TO THIS !

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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