Class 1-P(ee)'s Project

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Nene yawned, slowly lowering her head to the desk. Even though school ended in 10 minutes, she was so tired... maybe a quick nap wouldn't hurt. But the second she closed her eyes, the teacher just had to say something that made her instantly wake back up. "Actually, we have an emergency project. We only need a pair of 2 people for this project, so don't worry too much about it. Hmm..." The teacher looked around the classroom. At least this gave Nene enough time to mentally beg to absolutely no one that she wouldn't get chosen. "Kusanagi and Aoyagi seem like the best people for this. It's not too difficult, you just..." Nene stops paying attention. Why does the teacher think she's good for a project at all? At least it's not a completely random person, but she's still scared. Also, she's going to have to invite someone over to her house to work on something for school... Sometimes she wished Rui was in the same class as her. She slowly turned her head to look at Toya, hoping he's been listening to the directions. If not, they might as well just completely avoid the project. But then again, Toya's probably noting down every single step in his head. At least she wasn't working with a total idiot.

Staring at the clock, Nene hoped the project wouldn't take too long. She still had to meet with Wonderlands x Showtime and she thought Toya was in some music group with Akito and An, plus one of Emu's friends. It wouldn't really do anything good to be late to those, especially since Rui was coming up with some really good ideas for a play. Right in the middle of her thoughts, the bell rung and she could finally leave. She quickly stood up and walked out of the class, but after a few seconds Toya caught up with her. "Aoyagi-kun, do you know what the project's even about? I was too tired to listen..." Nene rubbed her eyes, still tired.
"It's pretty easy. We just need to get a few books from the library and write something about it to present to... I forgot who, but someone. Maybe another class?" Nene stared at Toya. All of that noting down to still forget part of it? Maybe she is working with a total idiot. "Are we working at your house?" Nene didn't like the idea of Toya being in her house that much, but she would be absolutely terrified at his. Thankfully, he quickly shakes his head. "I'd rather work at your house." Nene felt barely better about this, but at least she wasn't the one new to the house she's going to. She began to walk a little faster, faster and faster until Nene and Toya were sprinting towards her house.

Nene tried to catch her breath as she unlocked the door and walked inside. "We'll work in that room. I'll... get a snack." She walked into the kitchen. Toya decided to sit down, and after catching his breath, remembered something. Not about the project, but just the fact he didn't use the bathroom before leaving, even though he usually does. Oh, and he forgot to go to the library with Nene, but that's part of the project and she probably has some books in her room. Hopefully. But the main thing is how he needs to use the bathroom, not the books. He crosses his legs when Nene returns with a plate of cookies and soda. "I didn't find a lot. ...why are you looking at the cookies like that?" Nene stared at Toya. He looks like he just finally surpassed RAD WEEKEND or something along the lines of that. "Oh, sorry. I just... really like these. Thank you." Toya picks up a cookie and bites it, placing it on a napkin and continuing to write while reading. At least the cookies could distract him from his bladder long enough. But then every sip of soda just brings the desperation back. He starts to ask where the bathroom is, but decides not to. He'd rather use the bathroom when he gets home than at a house he's barely even been in for 20 minutes. It doesn't take too much longer for him to start squirming, hoping Nene doesn't notice how uncomfortable he is. But while looking at her, Toya realizes that she looks... strangely uncomfortable too. He instantly decides to look away before he asks something he shouldn't ask. The project shouldn't take much more than an hour anyways.

Nene stopped writing, getting back into her thoughts. The urge to pee is slowly getting even higher than the urge to just put Robo-Nene in her place to do this project for her while she plays games. But she wasn't going to do either one. She was going to finish this project before her bladder explodes and she pisses everywhere. Or before she ends up hiding from Toya after some failed conversation attempt later on. Then she notices how much Toya has written down and how little she has. Maybe it would be better to just focus on the project before both of those things end up happening. But then she notices Toya stop writing and completely freeze. Are his cheeks turning red? "Kusanagi-san?" He seems embarrassed... "What?" Nene stares at him, hoping he'll keep working. "Where's the... uhm... bathroom?" The bathroom? Seriously? The second Nene needs to go, Toya needs to go too. "That door up-" The second she points it out, she watches one of her parents, probably her mom, walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on. There goes any chance of her or Toya making it to the bathroom. "Fuuuuuck..." Nene mumbles, laying her head down. Toya tilts his head. "What's wrong?" He doesn't seem to notice that Nene needs to piss just as badly as him. "I needed to use the bathroom..." Nene keeps her head down. Toya decides to write a few more things, then stops. He can't hold it. "Kusanagi-san... Is it okay if I.." He pauses, almost completely letting go. "...can't hold it?" She looks at him again. "I would rather have you not wet yourself, but it's not like I can hold it anymore either..." Toya pauses again. As soon as he lifts his hands to keep working, it all comes rushing out. His cheeks turn an even brighter red the more he wets himself. "I... I didn't mean to do that.." Toya sits there for a few more seconds after he finishes, then runs to a closet with his bag. Nene assumes he's going to change and waits, slightly impatiently, for him to come back.

Toya grabs a towel and sets it down, then sits on top of it. "Sorry about that." Nene keeps staring at him. He definitely seems embarrassed. "Eh, at least it's not around someone you're closer to."
"I.. would definitely never survive it if I wet myself in front of Akito or Azusawa. Or Shiraishi." Toya looks down, his face starting to turn red again. Nene tries to keep writing, but she can't. She won't be able to without doing the exact thing Toya just did. "Aoyagi-kun? I don't think I can hold it." She crosses her legs.
"You should probably let go if you don't think you can hold it. It sounds kind of useless considering your mom probably takes long showers."
"Well, now that you mention just 'letting it go', that's not an option for me anymore." Nene mutters, lifting her hands. Surprisingly, she manages to hold it. After a moment of working, though, it finally floods out for Nene. Even though she was mostly letting herself do that, she can't stop herself from being absolutely embarrassed about it. "I'll just... go change into something else." Nene runs into her room and changes. Toya places a towel down for her.

Nene finally finishes writing down stuff from the book and she looks at what Toya wrote down while biting a cookie. Hmm. It seems easy enough to put into a project. She might as well do her best, mainly because of the small chance that they present this to Rui's class. Or even worse, Tsukasa's. Not because he'd care about the project, which feels more like a book report, but because he'd be cheering for Nene over something pointless to cheer over. Toya seems excited about that though, probably because they're friends. More like best friends, if anything. Oh well, she was presenting it with Toya tomorrow whether she wanted to or not. When Toya finally finished helping mix the two papers of writing into something that actually sounded pretty smooth to present, he stood up. "I should go home and then head to WEEKEND GARAGE. See you later, Kusanagi-san."
"Bye." Nene waited for him to leave. Maybe she should push him out the door, but as soon as that thought comes into her head, he waves and leaves. Thank god.
"I hope I never do another project again..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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