New Problems?

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Jackson's Pov,

As soon as he got on, I sped up and we are soon out of the school. I am enjoying this more than I should. I don't know if he didn't expect me to sped up or something, he held me tightly, which definitely sparked something inside me.

I smiled as I made my way to the place, which I found when the vampires came to hunt in here. It is one of the pros having a vampire brothers as you can wander the whole forest without having to think about getting in trouble. If anything they all will be scared of my brothers.

"Where are you going, Ji-Jiaer?!" He asked.

"You will find out soon. And you can call me Gaga as it will be easier to pronounce." I said as make a sharp turn making him held on to me even tighter, if that is possible. Soon, I stopped at the place that I proud of finding, when I turned to look at the reaction of Mark, it felt worth it.

He looked suprised and amazed at the same time. "wow Gaga, it is amazing. How the hell you find this place? I have never seen it before." He said smiling at me.

Mark's Pov,

I was surprised Jackson found this palce, I have been here for more than thousand years now, yet still I never saw this place. It is truly beautiful. The trees and the falls everything screamed beauty. And not to mention Jackson in between them seems etheral.

"Well, I have my ways. You can bring anyone you want as long as they're not an Omega here. I am giving you permission for that." He said smiling flirtingly at me.

"Why not omegas?" I asked definitely knowing the reason.

"The only omega allowed in this place was me." He said proudly. I know he definitely has some kind of crush on us. But still it felt different seeing Jackson making moves. He looked cute like this.

We walked for sometime in there and sat there with Jackson looking at everything and me at him and him only. He would notice sometime and blush as he look away. When we decided it is time to get back to school, we stood up.

"Can I drive now?" I asked as I made a pouting face at him.

"Hmmm, let's see..." He said as he looked at me cheekily, "only if you catch me." He yelled as he ran away from me.

I followed him, as he ran looking back at me giggling, this only reminds me of how much we missed Jackson. We never saw him giggling, he never been playful with us as we are always the scary alphas to him. But,now Gaga is totally different as from the bring up and his life everything changed him something totally different from Jackson at the same time they seemed kinda similar in my eyes.

Soon, I reached himas I pinned him to a tree, he didn't seem to be bothered by it, if something he just giggled more as he still hide the keys behind his back.

I tried reach for it, that's when his giggling got more as he held my hand tightly with his hand. He looked at me as we are now mere inches away from each other.

He reached up as his breath ghosted over my lips, he looked again at me, seeing if I am rejecting it or something but he didn't know all I wanted was this very moment for a very long time now. I saw as he finally sealed the kiss, it felt different he took control of it as he ran his fingers through my hair and used that grip to deepen the kiss. I am in cloud nine, the feeling I yearned for years was now happening. I didn't want to change anything from this moment but it would have been fulfilled if all is were here. We are all mates so it is natural to miss them when you are having a intimate moment with one of them.

I felt like I am becoming stronger or something as there seem to be an energy poured into me. That's when I noticed Jackson sorry Gaga didn't seem to be doing that great as he seemed pale and totally out of it. As soon as I saw that I broke the kiss.

"Alpha..." Gaga said as he tried to hold on to me.

"Gaga, what happened? Come on." I said as I pulled him towards his bike where we have our bags. I took out the water bottle I have in there and helped him take a sip.

This felt so wrong, after all these years our bodies only see him as an energy source where it can drain power?

The journey back was calm and slow as I didn't want to make him fall. He held on to me weakly throughout the ride.

By the time we reached our school he seemed to mostly his normal self. When we reached our classroom,the class was halfway in.  It felt like an eternity to me, but that is just an hour or so.  Our teacher looked at us as we both stood at the entrance of our class.

"Can I know reason why both of you decided to turn up an hour late to my class?" He asked.

"There was an accident on our way sir, we just helped the one that got hurt." Before I could say anything Gaga finished for both of us. I looked at him surprised, when did he prepared this story?

"Oh really?! Why it is always you're the one saving all those poor people?" The teacher said chuckling, which seemed he didn't trust a single word Jack- Gaga said or he used this reason too many times.

"You can call and ask the hospital if you want..." Jackson, no Gaga said still holding on to his lies. He literally seemed another person, I don't think we know him anymore.

"Yeah, I know how it goes. You can get in." The teacher said smiling as he went back to doing what he was doing before we came in.

'we need to talk.' I said through our link as soon as sat down.


Love Me Like You Do/Like An Animal (Book -2) Jacksonxgot6Where stories live. Discover now