Suffering (BoyxBoy) Chapter 8

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Mercy POV!

When I woke up I found myself in a dark room, I huddled myself in the corner as I leaned my head against my knees. My chest, head and body were screaming in pain but most of all my heart was bleeding with such pain and agony. Everything just turns worsen for me. When can I ever find happiness? Maybe I just never will.

Hearing footsteps and a door opening I looked up at the same time the lights were turned on. Hissing in pain I closed my eyes then slowly opened them. My vision was blurry at first but it soon slowly started to clear up.

I ‘tried’ to seem brave as I pushed myself into the wall trying to make myself smaller "W-who are you, w-where am I" I shuttered out. The man just chuckled bitterly as he walked into the room. Grabbing a fist full of my hair he dragged me up onto my feet "Ahh! Let go" I cried out "Let go" I trashed as his grip got tighter.

He then proceed to drag me out of the room and into another. Throwing me on the floor I landed with an 'oomph' He then walked out and a minute later walked in with a few other guys.

"He looks good" some tall guy said.

Then another came and sniff my neck "Hmm, smells good too, such innocence. He would make such a sweet slave. Am jealous boss gets to keep him" he said backing away.

I just sat there shocked and confused. "S-slave" I whispered. Hoping no one heard me but boy was I wrong.

"Yes, boy slave want me to spell it out for ya. I bet your mate is looking for you now. Shame he won't be able to find where we are" the guy who sniffed me said causing everyone around him to laugh along with him.

Thinking back to what he said I don't think Gabe really cares that I'm gone so there's no hope for me, there never was. I just sat there not moving, not speaking. I just felt dead inside.

"Hey boy, you alright there" someone used their feet to kick me lightly. I didn't look to see who it was, I just let them proceed to poke me with their foot until I was just lying on the floor looking dead.

"What's wrong with him" a new voice say

"I'dunno probably in shock from where he is" says the guy that was kicking me before.

I felt a new presence enter the room and my wolf went into 'scared mode' my heart rate was going really fast, hands were getting clammier. Feeling that presence next to me I only just notice how the room had gone really quiet.

He touched me, causing me to flinch and took a big whiff of my neck "He looks and smell, hmm really good. Pure innocent. His blood is quite ravishing" he said stroking my face. I was too frighten to move.

"We had to try and get the best, plus his scent shows his mate is either an Alpha or a Beta which is really good" one of the guys said.

"Hmm your right. He would make a great bait. We can finally evacuate them all. Crushing them" he said chuckling darkly. "Anyways clean him up, change him and bring him to my room" he then walked out leaving me with these lot once again.

After an hour of being forced into a bath and into these clothes. I won't even call them clothes, I am practically half naked. I am now being dragged by chains yes I said it chains, they had me chained' up when I tried to run past them bad idea I know. With my head down I followed them into the Head Vampire's room. I found out that the guy who runs the place was actually a vampire which majority of them were, but it was a mixture of Vampires and Wolf Hunters.

They came together to wipe out the werewolves and keep some as slaves. Which is what am being forced into right now. I have no idea why they are doing this but am not going to ask, I'm not ready to get myself into any trouble with these lot.

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