Feed the ducks>:(

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The first rays of sunlight started to show in the room where our brunnete was sleeping.

He soon got uncomfortable with the light that was getting to his eyes as a sign to get up.

'ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......'thought Wilbur rubbing his eye 'another boring day.....'.

It was true for the most part.Wilbur didnt really have anything to look forward too.

Until he remembered the thing that made him go to bed happy last night....

'BEANIE BOY!TODAY WE ARE GONNA HANG OUT!'.Wilbur suddenly got out of bed exited.

He felt so happy and thrilled.The fact that he has a friend to finally spend time with was just amazing to wilbur,

while for another kid it was probably nothing...

At least that is what wilbur thought.

He got done brushing his teeth and wearing his clothes and sprinted down.

"Goodmorning Mumza!"greeted Wilbur kissing her cheek with a bright smile.

"Oh,well goodmorning sunshine!"said Mumza to the little boy feeling good by the happines the boy was bringing today.

At the table there was Techno and Tommy already eating some pb and jam sandwiches with a cup of milk.

"Well someone looks rather happy today."said Techno with curiosity.He hasent seen Wilbur this happy in the morning for a long time...he was always either tired or just looking bored but this was diffrent.He felt happy for him.

"Oh nothing.Im just feeling rather active today."said Wilbur with his initial smirk


"Yeah!How about we go to the park today!"

"That seems like a loving idea hun,what do my little birdies think?"said Mumza sitting down.

"YEAH!I WANT TO HANGBOUT WITH TUBBSTER"said tommy with his hands on the table to give him a little bost so he could be seen better.

"Sure.Where did this desire for open spaces come all of the sudden?Not to be judging but its just so sudden"
Said Techno not tryna sound bad.

"Its probably that blue jacket boy that wilbur met yesterday"daid Tommy wih a slightly mocking voice.

Wilbur became a little embarrassed.It was silly to act so weard about a friend but he couldnt help it.

So what did he do?He disagreed.

"NO.Thats not it!I just-"

"Wilbur darling,you made a friend!?"said mumza exited.

She also knew her son was preety shy and didn't have any particular friends that he truely spent time with,so this was great news!

"Ummm...yeah!I was hoping to meet him today so we can play..."said Wilbur with a very insecure voice.

God,was this weard!?Is he beeing pathetic or silly!?

He didn't know but by the look in Mumzas eyes maybe this wasn't wrong to think.

"Im so glad you have someone to hang out with love!"

At that moment Dadza got in the room and greeted his family.

"Goodmorning mates!"He sat down and everyone started talking and just enjoying each others company.It was just an amazing moment for all.(wish that was u huh)

________________Time skip_______________

Tommy and Wilbur were on thir was to the park since Techno decided to stay with dadza and help him with the puppies that phill just bought cause he couldn't say no after he found them all in a box by the side of the road.

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