Are you challenging me?

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"This food is very delicious miss!"

"Thanks little one!Aren't you a well behaved boy."said Quackitys mom ruffling wilburs fluffy hair.

At that moment they were eating dinner still in Big Q house.The food was delicious.Wilbur had never tried it before as Quackity explained that it was special to their family,probably a secret recipe or something.

Quackitys mom had talked with Wilburs family and they agreed to have his son for the night at their family.So you can expect that the boys were extremely happy about having more time to play :D

They talked about all sorts of things.Food,activities,their family....It did seem like conversations for adults but if you could just listen to them mumble about things they are passionate about you would be amazed.


"Yea I have two brothers!The young gremling child that is called Tommy,I think you know him?"said Wilbur putting his head in his hands since he was done with his food and was waiting for Quackity to finish

"Oh yea!Tubbos best friend right?"

"Yup.He is really energetic and cheerful,but can be really anoyying if he wanted to."

"Hah,he sounds fun"said Quackity with his mouth full of food that he forgot to chew

"And then we have Techno.My twin,older than me by 5 minutes but he acts like he is better than me all the time."

"Techno?I haven't seen him anywhere?"

"He doesn't usually come to the park to play,or anywhere really!He likes the comfort of his own space,and so do I"

"Your space?"

"No.His space>:)"

"That sounds so fun!"said Quackity a little upset as if it wasn't fair he didn't get to experience having siblings.

"Honestly it is very tiring."

"I don't have any siblings:( It is just me and mama everyday.I don't mind.I love mama but it gets boring somtimes..."said Quackity looking down on the table and rubbing circles on it.

"Aw,don't feel like that!I love my brothers but they sometimes are really annoying.Trust me,you don't need your spaghetti getting stolen anonymously from the fridge cause your little brother woke up choosing violence.And violence he got."

"Heh,I guess you are right."

A pregnant silence filled the air.

"What about your dad?"


"Your dad?Doesn't he hang out with you?"


It was silent for a while.

Maybe a little to much.

It scared Wilbur...Oh god.Was it a soft toppic?Maybe he shouldn't have said that!Why is he quiet?Did Wilbur offend him?No..

He hopes he didn't make Quackity sad...He should say!

"Ehm....I-I mean.It is not like it matter-"

"He.....hasn't been h-here for a while...
I have never met him.."


" sorry-"

"Don't worry.I don't care.Like you said...It doesn't matter anymore."said Quackity sounding like he really didn't.

He didn't.Why would he care about someone he has never met!?Thats stupid.But still....

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