AC 7

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Jungkook looks as he hears the doorbell ring

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Jungkook looks as he hears the doorbell ring. He looked at his brothers and tilted his head to the side.
"Go check it, JK" Jin says as he finished up the food, he just needs to put it on the table. Jungkook sighs, putting his phone down.

He got off of his chair and walked to the front door, opening it. He's met with his mate's brothers and especially, his mate. They made eye contact before looking away.

"Oh, hello?" Jungkook says before letting them in. Jungkook stuck his tongue out as Taehyung looked at him. He groaned, closing the door and walked back to the kitchen.

"Oh, you guys are early" Jimin says as he helped Jin prepare.
"Yeah, we didn't want keep you guys waiting" Namjoon says, smiling.
"Oh, by the way... Sorry for what my brother did to your brother" Hoseok says and Jimin chuckles.

"Don't worry, we're glad you got him checked" Jin says, smiling. Jungkook was about to sit down next to Jimin when the older stopped him.
"You sit down next to your mate" Jimin says and Jungkook frowns.

"But, hyung-" Jungkook is cut off as Jimin puts a finger on his lips.
"No, buts, just do what I say" Jimin says and Jungkook huffs, walking to the chair which is next to his asshole of a mate.

He glared at Taehyung and crossed his arms. The other five stared at them and is glad that they weren't arguing. Oh, how wrong were they.

Jungkook was about to take a bite when Taehyung accidentally nudged him, making his spoon to fall. He gasps, looking at Taehyung and growled. Taehyung looked back at him, growling back.
"Ah-uh, no fighting in the dining table" Jin says and the huffs, looking away. Jungkook took another spoon, cleaning up the mess. He looked up at Taehyung and growled before going back to eating.

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