AC 27

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"So, doctor? Is everything okay? Did something bad happen?" Taehyung asks as he looked at the doctor

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"So, doctor? Is everything okay? Did something bad happen?" Taehyung asks as he looked at the doctor.
"Calm down, Mr Kim... Everything's fine... The baby's just kicking and that's a good sign that they're healthy..." The doctor explained and Taehyung sighs in relief.

"Sorry for bombarding you with questions" Taehyung says, scratching his nape.
"It's fine, don't worry... Since this is very new to you guys, I get questions like these all the times with other alpha mates who are also expecting" The doctor says and they nodded.

Jungkook chuckles and held Taehyung's hand as he helped him sit up.
"I told you guys nothing's wrong" Jungkook says, smiling. Taehyung puts a hand behind Jungkook to lead him out.
"Thank you, doctor" They both said and left.

"You guys try this, it's so delicious!" Jungkook says as he shows the six one of his cravings.
"Uhm... E-" Yoongi's mouth is covered as Hoseok stops him.
"Come on, it's very delicious!?" Jungkook says, clapping his hands in excitement. Each one of them then took a bite, not swallowing it and just letting it stay in their mouths.

Jungkook had just given them pickles with chocolate.
"So?" Jungkook says, looking at them. They all gave a thumbs up, nodding.
"I knew I have a good taste, now give me that back" Jungkook says and walked away. As soon as Jungkook disappeared, all of them fought their way to the single sink, pushing each other.

"That was not delicious at all" Yoongi says, spitting in the sink.
"Just deal with it, we don't want to see him crying" Jin says, wiping his tongue with a tissue. While they're suffering, Jungkook threw the pickle on the trash bin, smirking.
"Ahhhh, what a good prank" Jungkook says, laughing to himself.

"That kinda tasted good though... But eh"

 But eh"

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