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"OI! Be careful!" I yelled. I looked up to see Lam and Park smiling sheepishly at me. I rolled my eyes as I moved my hand away. This stupid Park almost had slammed the hammer on my hand; so busy chatting with Lam until he didn't realize what he was doing! Idiot!

I growled at him and he sheepishly moved away. Lam bowed his head too and quickly scuttled away. We finished up our lab work and soon it was end of class. As we left the classroom, we were chatting about our plans for the day. Park and Lam were going to meet their respective girlfriends for lunch and then a date afterwards.

I shooed them off and went to the canteen where I saw Ming. I said hi to him and went over. He had Wayo and Posh with him.

"Where are Park & Lam, P Forth?"

"They went off to see their girlfriends. Unfortunately unlike me, they have a better social life."

Wayo chuckled softly when he heard that. I mock glared at him and he sputtered in fear for a bit! I started to laugh at Wayo's fear.

"P Forth, please don't do that to Wayo. You know how afraid he is of you.."

I just chuckled louder and ruffled Yo's hair fondly. Ming and Yo were my favourite juniors and I actually enjoyed teasing them alot.

"How about you Ming? Not meeting Phana?"

"Later P. He is still in class. He will only end around 2pm I think. Yo and I are going to get some lunch and be back. Do you want to join us?"

I nodded my head in agreement and we left for a cafe nearby. As we reached the cafe, I wrinkled my nose abit. It looked way too fluffy and pastel looking for my liking. I glanced at Ming discreetly who just shook his head at me subtly and pointed towards Yo. Ah, so Yo liked these kinda places huh? I groaned inwardly as we went in.

Surprisingly, of all people, I saw Lam and his girlfriend Maprang there! He was facing the entrance so he saw me and the boys as we came in. His eyes lit up a wee bit when he saw me and he waved at me. I waved back but left it as such. He was on a date and I didn't want to disturb. He looked like he wanted to get up and I glared at him. Lam just sheepishly smiled and continued talking to his girlfriend.

I had an enjoyable lunch with the boys though it really wasn't my kind of place. Once we finished lunch, Ming and Yo took off separately. I also went out, wanting to have a smoke first before going back to dorm. Just as I was smoking, Lam and his girlfriend came out. She said something to him, he nodded tersely and she left. He just saw her go off and he didn't follow her. That's weird, I know he usually sent his girlfriend home. He was such a gentleman. Lam didn't see me so he didn't realize I had seen everything. Just as she went off, he turned towards his bike and saw me. I waved at him and he smiled, but something was off. I studied him as he came closer.

"Hey, I thought you left earlier? Where are the other two?"

"Ming has a date with Pha. Yo went to meet his other friends. I wanted to smoke that's why. You didn't give Maprang a ride?"

"OH her dad was around the corner to pick her up. So she said no need."

I nodded my head at him and asked if he wanted to game. He agreed and we went off to the Dungeon to game. It was such a well spent afternoon and in the evening, the other Engineering boys joined us and we partied away!

Nothing like being with your boys to unwind after school huh.

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