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I sat Maprang down in my dorm whilst Forth was in the kitchen fixing us something to eat and tea. She was still sobbing away.

"What do you plan to do?"

"I have no idea. I can't abort. It's against what I believe in but my parents will kill me..."

"We will have to be honest with them..  its the only way. I'm sure they be angry but I believe they will come around..'

"Will you come with me to tell them? I don't think I can do it alone... please please.."

I kept quiet for a bit, unsure if I should even do that. Just then Forth came out, placed the food and tea on the table.

"He will follow you. Not only him, me too. We will be there to protect you and don worry, I know your parents may be angry but know that we are there for you.." Forth uttered softly. I looked up at Forth in surprise, not expecting such a kind gesture from him.

Maprang stood up, crying harder and hugging Forth, thanking him. I frowned at that and stood up to pry her away when Forth gently pulled her away and patted her head.

"It will be ok, aite? Now eat something and stop crying. Its not good for the baby."

Forth sat her down and made her eat. Meanwhile, I just looked at them, wondering how come I got so lucky with Forth. He was such an understanding person, only if he was mine. I suddenly mentally slapped myself, wondering what I was thinking. He was my friend, I couldn't think that way of him. Or could I? I just cast an eye at Forth who was busy trying to chat with Maprang and cheer her up.

Once she was done, we sent her down and into a cab. We went up and Forth stood outside my dorm.

"I guess I make a move first?"

"Why don't you stay over?"

"No, it's ok. You must be tired.."

"It's ok Forth. Stay over ok?" I asked earnestly. Forth looked at me for a long while before agreeing. He came in and locked the door whilst i went to clean up.

"Let me help too?"

"Forget it, you cooked and you want to clean too?! Can you let me do something?'

Forth chuckled. He came and stood behind me, his hands on the sink and he laid his head on my shoulders. My breath hitched a bit at our closeness.

"I like doing things for you Lam. I don't see it as work. I just see it as doing something for the person I..." and he kept quiet.

I stopped washing to see if he would continue the sentence. He didn't. He just suddenly broke away, muttering about TV and whatnot. I stepped away from the sink and quickly grabbed his hand.

"I just see it as doing something for the person I.. what Forth? You didn't complete."

Forth looked at me wanting to stutter. He didn't know how to complete it.

"I just see it as doing something for the person I.. what Forth? You didn't complete. Tell me Forth.." I persisted.

"It's just...nothing Lam. Really.." Forth stuttered.

I just looked at him and then turned away. But as I did, I just said, "I'm thankful for what you do for me Forth. I don't know how you see it but you being you is making me fall for you day by day. And I started believing in love again ever since Maprang. You prove to me time and again that it's just not feelings but a choice and you seem to echo it unfailingly every time."

I wanted to take another step but was stopped by Forth who grabbed me and turned me around, kissing me hard! I grabbed him back, returning his kiss with the same intensity. We broke away from each other, breathless for a bit. He looked at me, his eyes becoming teary. I wiped them away and kissed him on his nose.

He chuckled wryly, looking at me murmuring something. I pretended to not hear.

"What is it, Forth? Couldn't quite hear you.."

"Idiot. I just see it as doing something for the person I love. That's what I was saying..." Forth uttered softly. I smirked at him and chuckled softly.

I just grabbed this fellow and hugged him tight, feeling contented to have him by my side with me. I really couldn't ask for more. Really couldn't.

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