Chapter Eleven

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Kate followed Wesley back to the table like a patient trailing a doctor to hear the bad news; she felt sick to her stomach. Fear filled her, of falling short, of being called out at any moment to give account of her actions, of being branded a cheater by any onlooker. Yet nobody seemed to be looking at her and Wesley. Were they pretending not to have noticed anything? Mike and Pamela were the only ones there at the table, giggling together as they shared a martini. Katherine's anxious glance fell upon Johnny's vacant seat. "Where'd Johnny go?"

Pamela had finished her share of the martini and was now peering into her small compact mirror, applying a generous layer of burgundy rouge on her lips. "Oh, he stepped out for a minute. Somebody told him he had a phone call or something." The snapping shut of the mirror was precursor to Pamela giving Mike a dazzling smile, demonstrating in full her ignorance of the tautness between the other guests at the table. "It's the mambo! Care to dance again?"

"Of course!" Mike replied enthusiastically, slipping a thick arm about her tiny waist. He politely paused to address Wesley and Katherine. "You two done dancing already?"

"I believe so," Wesley replied, stiffer than usual. "That last number wore me out."

            Mike let out a shout of laughter. "That's what happens when you don't exercise regularly, old man!" He slapped him roughly on the back. "I'll make sure to bring you along tomorrow for my morning workout."

"Can't wait." Wesley gritted out. Katherine sat next to Johnny's empty chair. Pamela nudged Mike impatiently, the notes of a lively Latin number drifting up from the band. He grinned again at Wesley and followed Pamela out to the floor.

Katherine kept her eyes downcast on the table, pretending to be engrossed in tracing the wood grain with her rosy-tipped fingernail.

He reached into the pocket of the jacket he'd discarded earlier and found a stray cigarette. "Care for a smoke?"

"No, thank you." Kate dug in her purse for her rouge. She stole a surreptitious glance about the room. Where was Johnny? Finding him and getting it over with was better than this—this uncertainty, this questioning. Had her seen her with Wesley? Johnny's mood had already been leaning on the sour side and Kate could only imagine how he'd be if he'd seen them kissing. Her stomach twisted uncomfortably at the thought.

Wesley smoked a moment in silence, still standing awkwardly behind his chair, and Katherine, grateful for the quiet adsorbed herself in dusting her now pale cheeks with rouge.

"You really love him, don't you?"

Kate paused, thinking he was joking. She was surprised to find he was dead serious. "Of course," she replied quickly, though as soon as she heard her own voice she was not as sure as she once was. "He's my fiancé."

Grant nodded and snuffed out his half-smoked cigarette in a small ashtray already littered with butts. "I apologize then."

Katherine's face registered surprise, for she'd never heard him admit fault before. He continued, saying,  "I'm sorry for trying to intrude again." He studied the white flakes of ashes as they fell off the glowing end of the cigarette. "All I wanted was to have you back with me. It's all I've been able to think about since that night at the station. I realize now it was incredibly selfish. I was only thinking of my number one concern: me. I just want to tell you that it's not going to happen anymore. You love Johnny, and I'm not going to be trying to force affection on you anymore."

"But..." Katherine struggled with her words, not knowing how to explain to him that she liked his attention. "I enjoy spending time with you."

Wesley's mouth twisted in a wry expression. "Yes. I know. Friends. Always friends. Don't worry, Kate." He peeled off his gray suit jacket from the chair and pulled it over his long arms. "I'll always be there as a friend for you." He stood there looking down into her eyes as though waiting for her response. But she only returned the gaze, wanting to look away but not finding the strength to.

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