Book One | 02

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"Diona... please come down."

"No!" The small girl snaps and hugs the tree limb even tighter. She was in utter disbelief. She'd never go home again. She'd never see her dad again. She'd never...

The absolute worst case scenarios ran through her mind. The bark below her was soaked in tears.

"Diona. Everything is going to be fine-"

"Would you stop saying that?" She snapped glaring down at the man. "You don't know that! You don't even know where we are! Grown ups like to act like they're so smart!" Diluc sighed.

"Diona listen. You're right, I don't know where we are. But I do know that we should try our best to stay calm and follow the instructions that the... sphere... thing gave us," he tried reaching for her once more. She gave his gloved hand a guarded look before slowly sliding into his hold. He set her down on the grass. She slumped to the ground, hugging her knees to her chest and he joined her on the ground.

"I... I just wanna go see Daddy..." she mumbled. Diluc remained silent. He had his own reservations about Draff and Diona's relationship with him. And he knew he would say something hurtful if he said anything at all. Draff was far from a good father. And Diona either didn't understand that, or didn't want to accept it. But either way, Draff was still her father, and she loved him.

Diona was in a difficult situation with her father. One that could force her to grow up to quickly. Diluc personally hated Draff. He acknowledged the man for his exceptional skill in hunting, but it was hard for him to look past that alcohol addiction of his. Diona never received the care she needed, especially at her age. She was only eight.

"I know. Trust me, I want to go back too," he said. Diona outstretched her short leg and bumped her heel against the grass, making the metal of her boot clang.

"I... I don't have problems that need... fixing... do I, Diluc?" Her ears flicked up as she turned her head to look at him more directly. Diluc looked away for a moment.

"Well, I'm not one to say that... this... train or whatever apparently believes so and wants you to pinpoint them I suppose."


They sat in silence for a few more moments. Diona rested her head against Diluc's arm, thinking. He looked down at her. "What is it-"

"Shut up."

"Oh, okay...?"

"I'm thinking about potential problems that I need to resolve or whatever."

Diluc had to stifle a small laugh.


"I thought you said they went this way," Kaeya hissed, shoving another branch out of his way before it had the chance to smack him in the face.

"I did say that!" Venti replied.

Kaeya groaned. "Yeah, screw this. I'm done following you," he stopped and lowered himself to the ground. "I'm tired."

"Hi, 'Tired'! I'm Barbatos!"

"I swear to-"

A branch snapped a little ways off. Kaeya sat up quickly. "You heard that right?"

"Heard what...?"

"For the Anemo Archon itself you can't hear too well, huh? Must be your age catching up to you," he stood up to peer through the leaves easier.

"Hey! At least I'm not as sour as the other archons! If you knew Rex Lapis you'd find me to be the sweetest thing-"

"Would you shut it!?" Kaeya snapped, slapping his hand over Venti's mouth. Venti opened his mouth and practically bit his hand.

"You did not-"

Another branch snapped. But louder and close this time.

"Okay, yeah, I hear it now."

A warble sounded through the branches. Making goosebumps prickle up Kaeya's skin. "I don't like that..." Venti gripped Kaeya's arm and narrowed his eyes to try and see the sound's source. He could make out the body of some dark creature. But he couldn't find its face.

"Bard..." Kaeya hissed, pointing upward.

"Wha- Ohmeohmy..."

Another creature looked above them from the trees. It had some dog-like body but it's face was less describable.

"Oh, I don't like that at all," Kaeya whimpered.


"You don't have to tell me twice," he practically shoved Venti off of him before he took off.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL-" One of the creature's howls cut the archon off and he himself darted away.

Many other howls joined with the creature, only frightening Venti more.


Diona's ears perked up when she heard a howl in the distance. "Uh..."

Kaeya barreled through the bramble. Diluc yelped.

"What the hell- Kaeya!"

"Hey..." he panted. "So, uh... oh shit, that was a lot of running."

"Language!" Diona scolded.

"There's some dog pack chasing us or something, I don't think they're even dogs!"

"What the hell are you talking about...?" Diluc breathed.

A blur broke through the brambles as well as practically crashed into Kaeya.

"Oh, hey guys! See, I told you they went this way!" Venti chirped.

"Oh my god, one of these days I'm literally just gonna-"

One of the creatures leaped onto a low hanging branch and scanned the group.

"Oh okay you guys weren't kidding..." Diluc mumbled.

"Oh. My. Biscuits. That thing looks super cute," Diona whispered, alternating between her feet in happy stomps.

"No, they are not super cute, and we have to run," Kaeya scooped Diona up and started running again.

"Wait we can't split up again!"

"Come on, slowpoke!" Venti said, grabbing Diluc's wrist and running after the others.

More of the creatures broke through the bramble and made chase after the group. Tendrils from their faces reached out for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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