chapter 4:Meeting the future team 7

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Third person pov

They entewred the Hokage's office, bowing to the Hokage.

"Rise" Hurizen said.
His eyes immediately landed on Sakura, causing her to flinch at the unwanted attention.

Noticing the little girl's discomfort,he slowly walked towards her, bending to her height.

In a gentle voice,he spoke to her"what's your name?".

The said person,still frightened managed to reply"S-sakura".

Smiling softly at her, the Hurizen reached out for her hand.Causing her to cower behind her father,who had been watching this play out with amusement in his eyes.

Sighing Kazia decided to intervene, bringing out a scroll out of his pouch.

He opened it and brought out a large stuffed Panda, almost twice her size,then gave it to her, causing her mood to immediately brighten.

Interrupting Sakura's playdate with Panda-kun,the one and only Faguku Uchiha, decided to call the Hokage's attention.

"Now that everyones here,would you mind telling us what this meeting is about?" Faguku asked.

Hurizen replied,"You're correct Faguku, let's get this meeting started".

Kazia gently nudged Sakura towards two other children in the room,as if telling her to approach them.

Deciding to not argue with her father, Sakura reluctantly made her way towards them.

Upon arriving there, she immediately bowed. Standing up straight,she introduced herself"H-hello, my n-name is S-sakura H-haruno,n-nice to m-meet you".

The one with Raven coloured hair immediately bowed back and introduced himself,"Sasuke Uchiha, like wise".

Following the Raven haired boy's example, the blonde one also bowed before introducing himself,"Naruto Uzumaki,to you as well".

The adults all watched this unfold with knowing smirks on their faces.

"Now that they are accustomed to each other, let's get this meeting started"the hokage started.

"Naruto,kindly show them outside"Hurizen ordered.

The said boy merely nodded,then gestured for them to follow him,to which they obeyed without complain.

Once inside, they all sat in an awkward silence,well before Sasuke broke the silence.

"Do any of you know who is bethrothed to who?"he bluntly asked.

"That's a strong allegation" Naruto plainly replied.

"It is true though"Sakura whispered,but they heard it clearly.

"I honestly have no idea who is bethrothed to Sakura"Naruto truthfully answered.

"How would you know it's Sakura getting bethrothed to one of us?"Sasuke asked although he already knew,he wanted to see the blonde's point of view.

"It's obvious, she's the only girl, besides I think your father wants an air with the sharingan"Naruto responded.

"You are both correct but since there are three of us,
we're probably going to end up in the same team, when they see who's best suitable for myself they will reach an agreement, while the other person will have to find another person to be bethrothed to,so leading us to where we find ourselves now"Sakura calmly said.

"That's true,so they're watching us?"Sasuke asked.

"Probably,do you know how?" Naruto asked.

"It should be from a crystal ball can you locate it?"Sakura asked.

"I'll try" the Uchiha in the room said.

He closed his eyes in concentration, before pointing to the exact location of the crystal ball.

With the adults

They were all shocked that they were able to make that assessment in mere minutes.

Although the their expressions were different, there was one thought going through their mind.

We definitely made the right choice





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