Chapter 3

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"Eddie?! What- Where are you!" You start panicking as your heart rate sky rockets.
"Fuck- Please help me I'm at this house by lovers lake it's the one that's all abandoned just look for it okay- it has a boat house in the back I'm going there please come help me, I'm freaking out!"
"I'm on my way Eddie just stay there I'll be right over I promise."
"Hurry please" Eddie sounds like he's crying now.
"I will." You say
You grab your car keys and the map your mom had of Hawkins from her room, you remember driving with her to the lake your first night here because she had a sale right when you got to Hawkins so she didn't have time to drop you off. You run to your car pull out of the driveway and leave speeding down the roads. Heart beating a million miles a minute, in a matter of 10 minutes you were near the lake. Driving past the houses you could only see by the moonlight and the bright light from inside the houses seeping through the windows.
Then you see a dark empty house with no lights on and turn off your headlights as you pull the rest of the way into the house. You leave your keys and everything inside the car and hop out not even shutting the door, you look inside the house through the windows and nobody is there so you run to the boat house and open the door. Empty.
"Eddie? You whisper Eddie are you here?"
You hear rustling from the boat which is covered by a blue tarp.
"Eddie?..." you say nervously slowly approaching the boat.
You grab the corner of the tarp and pull it off of the boat. When something flys at you and pins you to the wall, "JESUS FUCK!" You scream.
When all of the sudden the tight grip melts into a soft yet strong hug. You open your eyes and are met with dark curly hair you immediately know it's eddie.
"Are you real?" You feel the arms around you tighten
"I'm real it's me Eddie it's me." You wrap your arms around his neck. "Eddie it's okay im here what happened are you okay? I feel you shaking Eddie."
"You won't believe me." Even his voice is shaky
"Let's get you back to my house and we can talk then okay?" He finally pulls away and can see his tear stained face m. You bring him to the car and drive home even faster then you drove to get him. As you pull up to the house, you notice Eddie looking straight ahead.
"Eddie? We're here let's get you inside and cleaned up."
You go around to his door and open it and hold out your hand.
"Eddie I promise it's okay now trust me."
He turns and grabs your hand and you walk inside.
"How about a shower and some food then we can talk if you want to"
He just nods. You bring him to your bathroom and start the shower.
"I'm going to get you some towels and some new clothes okay?"
You hurry as fast as you can grabbing some of your dads old clothes your mom hasn't let go of. And then go to the closet for some towels.
"Here Eddie when you are done just come downstairs and we can make some food."
He nods again as you leave you hear him
"Can you stay close."
"I'll sit right outside the door and won't move."
"Promise?" He asks
He closes the door and you stay right outside. Thoughts racing wondering what happened something bad obviously but what could it be?
After some time the shower stops and the door flys open. Eddie was obviously worried you left.
"I'm right here Eddie. Are you still hungry?"
"Not really." He says
"Do you want to go talk?"
"You won't believe me."
"Try me."
You both go sit on your bed.
"It was Chrissy. Her body just like lifted...up into the air. She just liken hung there in the air. And her bones um." Eddie sounded grossed out by what had happened he was scared and confused. "Her bones started to snap." You looked at him confused. "Her eyes it was like there was something inside her head. Pulling. Y/n I know it's crazy but you have to believe me."
"I do Eddie I'm just taking it in"
"I didn't know what to do so I ran away and called you. I know you think I'm crazy."
"I don't think you're crazy"
"I'm not Eddie I'm not okay. Please."
"I just left her there"
"Eddie I know but you didn't know what to do."
There was a loud knock on the door. Eddie jumped.
"It's okay just stay here."
"Don't leave y/n"
"I have to get the door but I won't leave okay I promise I'm not leaving you."
You get up and walk to the door, when you open it there is Dustin from school with three people behind him.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"Where's Eddie?" Dustin asks
"What? Eddie who?" You snap back
"Y/n we know he's here he wasn't at ricks house and you were the next person he would go to."
"I don't know what you're talking about he's not here. We aren't friends why would he be here."
"Y/n we need to talk to him now. We know you are friends we aren't dumb" Dustin says urgently
"Sorry he's not here."
"Y/n?" You hear from the stairs. It's Eddie
"Not here huh?" Dustin says
"Dustin look he's not okay to have visitors."
"Y/n I'm sorry about this." Dustin says and they all push past you into your house.
"What the fuck you guys get out!"
Eddie runs down the stairs and grabs the tall guy in the back and holds up a knife.
"EDDIE" you yell.
"Eddie it's me it's Dustin! And these are my friends, max you know the one who never wants to play D&D. You know Robin from band! Eddie we are on your side we want to help you it's okay, that's Steve he's cool he's not gonna hurt you. Please drop the knife."
Eddie shakes and then drops the knife on the floor
"Dustin I told you this was a bad idea." You say
"Y/n please let us talk to him alone."
"If I talk she stays." Eddie says
"Tell us what happened."
"You won't believe me."
"Just tell us Eddie." Dustin says
You bring everyone to the living room and sit on the couch. Eddie comes and sits right next to you. And tells everyone what he told you. They start talking about things they went through and the curse of Hawkins, you listen intently hanging on to every word.
"Look my moms not coming back tonight why don't you guys stay and we can talk." You say
"You know that's not a terrible idea. Especially with everyone out there it might seem less suspicious if we stay." Robin says
The girl they called max agrees
"I have some clothes that might fit you guys if you want to change."
"Okay that sounds good." Dustin says
Everyone follows you upstairs and you grab the clothes.
"There's the bathroom, my room, my moms room, and the closet you guys can change in there I really don't care I'll grab blankets and stuff and we can sleep downstairs." You say.
You start walking downstairs and Eddie follows you go to the basement closet where you mom had put all the extra blankets and pillows as you grab the handle you feel warm arms around your waist. You breathe in deep as the arms tighten around your waist.
"Thank you." You hear Eddie whisper in your ear
"For what?" You say confused
"For getting me with no question, taking care of me and not making me feel crazy." He says
"Eddie I will always come get you no matter what, you never have to run, I'll be there." You say turning around. You back on the door and Eddie's hands on your waist.
"Thank you y/n" he says and grabs your chin with his thumb and pointer finger, the cool metal from his ring makes you sharply inhale. And the butterflies in your stomach from being so close to him being almost too much.
You start leaning in.
"Eddie? Y/n?" you hear max and Dustin calling for you.
Eddie's forehead rests on yours
"Fuck" he says.
"Coming!" You yell grabbing the blankets and pillows and running up the stairs.
"What's up?" You ask
Dustin and max smile at each other
"Nothing" max says
"Just uh wondering where you guys went." Dustin says
"Oookayyy" you say back questioning the smile
"Here we can stay down here just let me get the blinds and lock the door and everything." You say Handing them the pillows and blankets.
Everyone else comes downstairs
"There are snacks on the counter and drinks in the fridge there isn't much we haven't had much time to go shopping but I'll go get more food tomorrow."
"Sweet." Steve says getting up going to the fridge
You set up a blanket and pillow on the floor and lay down thinking about everything that happened and trying to process it all.
"Y/n can I turn off the lights?" Robin says
"Yeah the switch is next to the counter."
Everything goes black and a few minutes later you hear someone walk towards you and get on the floor next to you.
"Hey." You hear Eddie say
"Hi" you whisper back. His hand finds the side of your face and he puts his forehead on yours again pulling you in close. His hair smelled like your shampoo which made you smile. You bring you hand to his face and slowly rub your thumb against his cheek.
"I'm never running from you." He says
"Promise?" You say
"I promise y/n" then your stomach erupts with butterflies as Eddie gives you a soft gentle slow kiss. You kiss him back just for a second. Feeling tired your eyes barley open you ask.
"You wanna sleep in my room?" You ask
"Beats the floor" he says
You wait till everyone is sound asleep then you bring him up leaving the door open so you could hear if someone was coming.

Eddie Eddie Eddie Where stories live. Discover now