Chapter Two

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"Ah Gaeun-shi!!" A red headed girl waves as Goeun walks into the studio's giant dressing room.  The red head, Eunji, was Gaeun's closest friend on the show. Min Linah, who was also a friend of Gaeun's came up behind her.  "You made it!" Linah gives a small smile. "Of course, this is our finale! Why would I miss it?" Gaeun says as she hugs them. "I can't believe we made it this far!" The red-head giggles. "I know! It seems like it was yesterday when we filmed episode one! You're 100% going to debut!" Gaeun says. Eunji cups her face as Linah stands to the side of her. "You look so pretty barefaced! We were living together for months and I still get stunned over how gorgeous you are" "Really? My cab driver was so convinced that I needed makeup." Gaeun breaks eye contact. "Well he doesn't know what he's talking about because you're beautiful...and he's a man so what does he know?" " could use a little foundation and maybe some lip gloss oh and blush-" Linah starts. Eunji slaps her shoulder. "Linah!" "It's okay, really" Gaeun smiles. Suddenly a tall, lanky man walks in and interrupts.

"Hello girls, I'm Producer Kim's assistant, Lee Minwon. He will be here to talk to you all shortly and remember, he said no make up!" He eyes a couple of the girls. "Although none of you.....are sneaky. I can tell you have makeup on. The cakey concealer on your noses and the nearly faded lip tint is giving you all away." He laughs and leaves the now anxious and antsy girls alone in the room. "Rude..." Eunji, scoffs. Gaeun nervously checks herself in the mirror before putting it back in her bag. "Gaeun-shii, have you heard? Jung Hyungmin is judging the finale!!" Eunji says excitedly. Gaeun gives a small smile. "Yea...I heard." "Are you not excited?" Linah says. You're so lucky! You're in the same label as him! Ugh, I'd DIE if I was his labelmate. He's so handsome and perfect! When I debut I'm totally going to date him!" She swoons. "He's not all that." Gaeun chuckles. "Trust me." Eunji goes wide eyed. "You've met him?!!" "N-No..." Gaeun lies. She didn't want to tell anyone she knew Hyungmin. It would be risky. If it got out that they use to be close it could cause a scandal that could hurt both of their careers. Also, she hasn't spoke more than three words to him in a year.

Suspicious, Linah nods and redirects the conversation. "Are you ready for our final stage?" "Yea a little." Gaeun says. "I'm just nervous...I feel like it's my last chance to debut...if I don't debut now, then when? I'm not getting any younger you know. "Don't worry you'll make it! Besides, you're in your early twenties! You're not even close to being old!" Eunji says as she gives a bright smile. If there's anyone who could hype you up, it's Eunji. A staff member knocks on the door and walks in. "Ladies It's time for your final interviews. Producer Kim wants you individually." Soon the room fills with anxious chatter as the girls try to prepare themselves for filming. An hour has passed as Gaeun still waits for her turn. All of her friends already did their interview and are currently getting their makeup done. After another thirty minutes, it was time for her interview.

The studio lights beam brightly as the glow warms Gaeun's cheeks. Her bright brown eyes gleam with passion as she speaks of singing and preforming. The camera captured every inch of her aura as she spoke about her dream. While some would argue that she was average when it came to looks, others would say she was one the prettiest contestants on the show. One thing everyone could agree on, was that she had the stage presence of an idol and that her talent was unbeatable. Gaeun's smile grew as she continues to talk about her memories on the show. Speaking about the friends she made, the hard times and the easy, even talking about what it will be like if she gets to debut. "I have been training for 10 years, almost 11. I've always been passionate about being an idol. I felt like it was a career that I was meant for. I almost debuted twice now. I was planned to debut five years ago. We were practicing and putting all we had into our debut. We had a song recorded and choreography made. We were ready, at least until our debut was suddenly cancelled without reason." She thinks of that time. They were set to debut around the time Hyungmin was making his solo debut, but it was cancelled to make room for his debut and promotions. The company wanted to make sure they spent enough money, energy and time on Hyungmin. That's what she wanted to, but couldn't or else she'd get into trouble.

She continued on. "I was set to debut again. It was two year later. I was put into the same group, but the lineup was changed. More girls were added and they were younger. I was 21 while my other members were all between the ages of 14-17. We were set to debut again, but...." she trails off as she tries to think of better words to use. "The company thought it was best that we debut at a later time..." was all she said. "However," She continued. "It was canceled once again and my bandmates all left the label." She couldn't say that the debut was canceled because of Hyungmin again. He was set to have a comeback the month they were planned to debut. "I really want to be a singer, but people were saying that since I'm 23, I'm too old to make a debut and that I should just get a normal part-time job. I almost started to loose hope, but now I'm confident that I will make it! I know my training and hard work will pay off and I will show everyone that I am still young and capable of being an idol!" She sends a finger heart to the camera. "Thank you for all of your support!"

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