My Big Brother, Dante - chapter 12

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Jessica's POV:

Dante? Is that you? Please come back to me I want to see you once again and I hope you forgave me for what I done. Years and years ago I sent him a letter a few days after I killed that little girl. Oh I forgot to tell you..... that little girl was my sister, Edith, and I was so jealous then since she would get more attention from big brother. I feel so bad.... what will I do once I see him? Maybe there is a way to see him..... come to me..... and then you will see him.... I promise. There's that voice again! It sounds so much like Dante but it's not..... I just want to scream right now. Am I hallucinating or am I actually hearing someone talk to me through my mind? DON'T WORRY WE WON'T HURT YOU!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! No! Stop! Get out of my head! I suddenly wake up screaming with tears coming down my face. "Hey, hey calm down i'm here". I felt something ice cold against my cheek and I noticed that it was just Jeff. I smiled knowing that it was probably all a dream..... but why can't I remember anything from last night?

Jeff's POV:

She screamed so I knew she probably had a nightmare. But I wasn't so sure because Jessica.... looked so pale and out of it. I'm trying to comfort her but..... I don't know if it's enough. "Jess... honey.... um.... do you remember anything that happened last night?", I just had to ask because she also looked confused. Jessica suddenly stood up without answering my question and said a name.... a guy's name. "Dante! I need to see him!". My heart ached but I wanted to know who he was so I asked, "who's Dante", it didn't sound like a question..... but I was getting really angry.... I just want to know. "He's.... he's.... my older brother..... I haven't seen him.... ever since I killed my younger sister..... she was only 8 years old.... and I was 10 at the time..... I never saw him after that.... my parents sent me away to an asylum.... I deserved it though.... I never meant to kill my sister! I was just jealous since she got more attention from Dante than me!", Jessica was now crying and I felt really bad for her..... then I kissed her while giving her a big hug.

Ben's Pov:

I heard yelling.... and it sounded like Jessica. I never heard her sound so mad before..... maybe Jeff upset her.... just thinking about that makes me angry. Don't worry.... i'll show him that I can take better care of her than he ever could. Screw Clockwork..... I want Jessica all to myself. Jessica mentioned Dante..... I know him.... Dante Sanchez Waters..... I never really liked him. But me and him used to hangout until.... one day he just stopped talking to everyone. I never met his family but if I did then Jessica would've been mine in the beginning. I care about Jessica.... I love her.... but how can I get her if she's with Jeff? Maybe i'll make her cheat on him with me.... he will never know. Also i'll try to find Dante for her..... just to see her smile.... and to be happy with her only family left.... I mean she has us as a family but it's not the same. Jessica..... I want you to be my bride.

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