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Despite not being a member of the Twelve Kizuki, Luna is a very powerful demon. Her most prominent traits is her extraordinary growth rate possibly due to the fact that she doesn't need to consume humans to stay alive. She has shown to defeat her enemies by increasing her own physical capabilities, enhancing her regeneration, or developing her own Blood Demon Art in dire situations.

Abnormal Demon Physiology: As the "chosen demon", Luna has several unique demonic traits that set her apart from all other demons. Most notably, she can continuously restore her power without consuming any humans like any other demon would need to do. Instead, she recovers her strength through sleep alone, though she would have to spend a lot of time sleeping in order to recuperate and regain her power. Moreover, Luna has an extraordinary growth rate, as shown multiple times when she grows stronger without any training or consuming humans. This ability is shown to trigger even in the midst of battle and with huge power boosts.

Awakened Form:
Luna has the ability to enter a berserk state where she becomes more demonic in appearance, transforming into an adult version of herself with vine-like tattoos that circle her body, a single horn protruding from her right forehead side. This awakened form greatly enhances Luna's physical capabilities as well as increasing her regeneration level to match that of the Upper Ranks'.

Sunlight Resistance: During their battle against Upper Rank Four, Hantengu, Luna developed immunity from sunlight, a feat impossible for demons, even by the Demon King himself. With this immunity to sunlight, she is able to completely walk and go about in the daytime without being burnt to ash, prompting Muzan to shift his goals to hunt and absorb her to conquer the sun himself.

Blood Control: In addition to her Blood Demon Art, Luna has shown in her Awakened Form to have immense control of her blood. When her limbs and head were severed and she was going to be cut into pieces by Daki, Luna managed to control her severed limbs and head by instantly congealing and solidifying the blood spraying from them before the streams could break apart. With this, she was able to command her limbs to grab and stop Daki's sashes, and, even though it was done with floating, severed limbs connected by blood, she was able to do it with such strength that the sashes were stopped dead in their tracks. She was then able to pull all of her limbs back together through those blood streams, allowing her body to regenerate.

Immense Regeneration: As a demon, Luna has enhanced regenerative abilities that allow her to heal in the blink of an eye. When she first became a demon, her regeneration was relatively slow compared to other demons, taking a while to heal slash wounds. However, once in her awakened state, her regeneration ability evolved to the point it matched the caliber of the Upper Ranks, allowing her to reconnect her whole torso and body parts as well as regrow her arms and legs instantaneously. Daki noted that
Luna's regeneration then surpassed her own.

Size Alteration: Upon being transformed into a demon,
Luna displayed the basic ability to change and alter her body's size and height. She was able to shrink herself into the physical size of a small child in order to fit inside a small box or a basket in order to hide from sunlight when traveling through during the daytime and could enlarge herself into a much bigger form, in order to be able to battle against demons.

Abnormal Muscular Constitution: Luna has a special muscular composition, making her muscles eight times denser than that of a regular human. While her limbs are thin, they possess unbelievable strength and endurance capable of maintaining her body's structure after a point-blank sound attack from Zohakuten.

Enhanced Flexibility: Luna has been noted to possess an extremely flexible body, allowing her to achieve a wide range of motion. This is noted when she fits as some of her moves requires her to bend and manipulate her body in different ways. Luna's superhuman flexibility is also displayed in the form of her whip-like sword which is also incredibly flexible. However, only she can make use of the sword due to her pliability preventing her from getting cut while performing high speed actions that make use of incredible ranges of motion.

Blood Demon Art:

Exploding Blood (爆ばっ血けつ, Bakketsu?): Luna can ignite the blood that has exited her body, turning it into crimson-pinkish flames that is harmful to demons.

Heel Bash (かかと落おとし, Kakato Otoshi?) - Luna flips into the air and with the momentum of the flip unleashes a downward axe-kick. The axe-kick itself is powerful enough to cause a small crater in the terrain.

Crazy Scratching (乱みだれ裂ざき, Midarezaki?) Luna unleashes a rampage of overlapping slashes with her nails covered with the crimson-pink flames of her Blood Demon Art until it finishes with a larger X-shaped slash with both her arms.

Flying Kick (飛とびかかり蹴げり, Tobikakari Geri?) Luna jumps in the air and quickly dashes toward her enemy. As she gets near her opponent, she then backflips using the momentum to kick her opponent high into the air.

Spell Casting: This is an ability that allows her to draw her blood and cast various spells that enact various effects on her targets.

Blood Bewitchment (惑わく血ち, Wakuchi?): Luna created a branch of blood techniques, that requires her to draw her own blood that then creates numerous effects/reactions from her intended targets using the blood scent.

Scent of Illusory Blood, Visual Dream (視し覺かく夢む幻げんの香こう, Shikaku Mugen no Kō?)- A hallucination that hinders the vision of the affected by creating beautiful flower patterns around them.

Magical Aroma of Daylight (白はく日じつの魔ま香こう, Hakujitsu no Makō? - Acts as a truth serum, causing brain function to decrease and will make the recipient confess their lies and not keep their secrets. It can be harmful to humans.

Flesh Seeds (肉にくの種しゅ子し, Niku no Shushi?) - Using bits of her own flesh and blood, Luna uses multiple minuscule flesh seeds that surround her intended target. The seeds then burst and grow into gigantic flesh trees with numerous pointed/spiked branches that then pierce and restrain her target, the strength of this technique was powerful enough to stop Muzan, even if only momentarily.

Magical Aroma of Daylight, Resonance (白はく日じつの魔ま香こう・幻げん響きょう, Hakujitsu no Makō - Genkyō?) An attack that causes harmful effects to the victim and leads them to openings for other sources.

Scent of Illusory Blood, Visual Dream: Grapple (視し覺かく夢む幻げんの香こう・組くみ打うち, Shikaku Mugen no Kō - Kumiuchi?) A partner pummels their opponent with multiple strikes with Luna aiding then by using her Blood Demon Art, Blood Bewitchment: Scent of Illusory Blood, Visual Dream. This is ended by their partner performing an uppercut palm strike.

Biological Absorption: After devouring a blue spider lily, Luna has gained new abilities, one being the ability to absorb, assimilate and dissolve organic and inorganic objects. Luna rarely uses this, but it's usually to gain the abilities of a demon she fought that she thinks will be useful. This was first shown when she absorbed some flesh from upper moons six, to gain their blood demon arts.

Demonic Blood: Presumable after consuming the Blue Spider Lily, Luna develops blood with special properties that can transform humans into mutated creatures known as demons. Her special blood also seems to give rise to a plethora of special abilities to those that assimilated her blood such as powerful and quick regeneration, the power to control the flesh, immortality, an accelerated growth rate, enhanced physical prowess and even supernatural abilities called Blood Demon Arts.

She can also further empower a demon by giving more of her blood, enhancing their pre-existing abilities. However, this is limited to how much blood the recipient can withstand and adapt to. If a human were to take in too much blood from her, their body would mutate faster than they can withstand, causing them to self-destruct into one giant mass of flesh before disintegrating into ash.

Demon Curse: Luna places a curse on all demons that have assimilated her blood. If any demon divulges her last name: "Winchester" out loud, the curse activates which causes three demonic arms to spawn from their bodies and destroy them, regardless of their original intent. This curse can be activated by Luna herself, or automatically by the demon the curse was placed upon. The demons created by Luna respect her and usually refer to her as "that lady" or "her".

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