Chapter One

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Luna POV:

Shifting Celestia, who was in my arms holding her backpack, I quietly crept down the steps as we made our way out the house, making sure not to wake anyone up. Once the front door was shut, I ran to the car that was parked in front of the house with the engine running.

Putting Celestia in the back seat, I buckled her up before closing the door and running towards the driver's side and getting in.

Once it buckled up, I stepped on the gas as we drove off.

"We're finally away from that hell hole." I said to myself as I looked in the mirror to see my little sister fast asleep.

It was 4am in the morning, so I can't really blame her for being tired. Keeping my eyes on the road, I drummed my fingers against the steering wheel in boredom. The plan was to move to New Jersey, where Luna would work and provide for her little sister. It was a great paying job, and they had offered to buy her a house and cover her living expenses for a month to help her get settled. Which she was grateful for as it gave her one less thing to worry for.

 Which she was grateful for as it gave her one less thing to worry for

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I've been driving nonstop for hours now. Celestia is awake and playing on her Nintendo switch. Looking at the time, it was 12:29.

'Celestia should be getting hungry. I only packed some for breakfast. Plus, I think we both could use a bathroom break and we're going to need some gas.' I thought to myself, before speaking up.

"Hey, sis. Are you hungry?" I asked, not one taking my eyes off the road.

"Mhm, I'm really hungry." She said as she looked up at me.

"Okay, just hang on for e few minutes. There's a pit stop coming up in a few minutes. We'll stop and take a bathroom break then get something to eat, okay?" I said, as she smiled and nodded her head.

Smiling back at her, I switched lanes as we got closer to the exit before exiting the freeway. Pulling into the pit stop, it was pretty empty with only a few cars.

Parking the car, I stepped out and closed the door before helping Celestia out of the car, making sure to lock it.

"Alright, let's go to the restroom first, then we'll go to the food court." I said, as Celestia ran inside the building, with me following right behind her, so as not to lose her.

As we finished using the restroom, we walked towards the door to leave the bathroom when to females entered, surprising us slightly.

"Oh, sorry." I said as I kept a hold on my little sister.

"Don't worry, dear is fi-" She stopped as we made eye contact.

'Son of a motherfucker, their my soulmates.' I thought, as the three of us silently stared at each other.

Both of them were very pretty, I'll admit.

Both of them were very pretty, I'll admit

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However, I have more important things to worry about

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However, I have more important things to worry about. So, looking away, I smiled before exiting the room mumbling a quick excuse me.

As I walked I picked up Celestia as I made my way towards the exit.

"What about food?" Asked Celestia as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Don't worry, we'll still get something to eat, just not from here." I said, as I prayed that the rest of my soulmates wouldn't be here, and that it was only those two.

???? POV:

"We found her!" Said Carrie as she kept on looking towards the exit.

"Who?" Asked Pennywise, as they all say in the food court.

"Our soulmate!" Said Carrie, as we looked at her in surprise.

"Wait, are you serious? Where is she?!" Asked Stu.

"We ran into her in the bathroom. It looked like she was heading towards the exit. If we leave now we might be able to catch her." Said Carrie.

With that, everyone got up and made there was towards the exit. Once we were outside, we looked around, when Tiffany got our attention and pointed towards a black car by the gas pump.

There was a girl who looked to be in her early twenties, with long black and orange ombre hair tied into a bun, wearing a black Tshirt, and blue jeans with a flannel jacket tied around her waist and red converse.

She had just finished putting gas into her car, and hopped in to the driver's seat and buckled up before driving off.

Getting a good look at the car and the license plate, everyone got back into the car as I got into the drivers seat and started following the car.

Now that we know where she is, we weren't going to let her get away.

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