Chapter 3

34 1 4

Italics for English
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The number you have dialed does not exist....

Doesn't exist? Did Carmen change her number? No, that's impossible. ACME put her number behind some tough security but I still have access to it.

I'll just try to reach someone else like Ivy or Zach later on. Right now I need to focus on eating and observing my surroundings.

. . .

After eating, I figured that I should find a mall or some kind of clothing shop since I'm literally wearing gray shorts and a red t-shirt.

The only question is which way do I go. I could try to ask where a shop is but with my little to no knowledge of the language I doubt I will be able to.

Didn't Runi leave me a map? I think I have it on me.

Here it is. I'm lucky it's in English. It looks like a mall is a few blocks from here. If I stick it the map I won't get lost and I can go the quickest way there.

. . .

Getting to the mall was an absolute nightmare. The quirks of people do really vary I guess but that wasn't the worst part. It's the people.

I remember not going shopping in Canada because I thought it was crowded but was Japan a whole new world.

Before going into the clothes shop, I heard a small explosion followed by cheering. As I followed the sounds of cheering, smoke coming that direction growing thicker.

"G O A L L M I G H T! ! ! "
" H E ' S T H E B E S T ! "
" O U R S Y M B O L O F P E A C E ! "

Symbol of peace? All Might? Who are they talking about? Is he some kind of hero? I know Runi mentioned what 'quirks' are but I guess they forgot to mention what people do with them.

Judging by how many people are cheering for him he must be popular. I should ask someone what happened just to get a better understanding of the world.

"What happened here?" I ask, mustering up my best Japanese. The man I asked stared back at me and smiled.

His red eyes stared into my grey ones. His pale skin looked dry under his black sweater and his Light blue hair was full of dirt. His smile was wide and it almost looked unnatural on his dry face.

"Where did you say you were from?" The man said out of nowhere. I don't have a good feeling about him.

"Am from America, New York. A um.. Journalist." I lie, stumbled on the wording of Journalist but it make the lie believable enough didn't it?

"Aren't you a little young to be... alone?" He reach his hand out to touch my face but before he could I stepped back.

I am getting nothing but bad vibes from this man and I don't like it.

"Please refrain from touching me." I say this time in English."Now if you excuse me." I attempt to step around the man but he block my path. So he wants to play like that?

I'm gonna regret doing this.

"KYAAAAAAA," I screamed putting on a distressed face. "HELP! He's hurting me!!!!!" God, that was worse than anticipated. Lets hope Carmen doesn't find out about this.

Multiple faces in the crowd looked towards the scream, several of them being Heros. (They were dressed in weird outfits so I assumed)

Luckily for me, all eyes were on
Mr Dry so I slipped away from the scene. Just in time to because it looks like he's gonna be in a world of pain.

Next stop the clothing store...


Author Notes

Hello, I am going to resume uploading slowly soon so stay tuned!


Player learns how to act from watching Carmen teach the twins.

Before meeting Carmen, Player was so bored that he picked up some hobbies... But he quickly dropped most of them.

Player did go to school before but he spent his time alone as the kid whose father "vanished".

Shadow-San sees the group as family just as everyone else does.

Zack can cook, not bake. Baking is usually Ivy's specially.

After Christmas, the group was planning to meet Player
. . .

Those plans will never be fulfilled.

614 Words



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