Chapter 3 : The Visit

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Setting; The Black Family formal dining room
.P.O .V . Elizabeth Black

  Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall sat in the formal dining room of Phineas and
Elizabeth Black. McGonagall held little Vivian Black in her arms. Bouncing the child on her knee. Vivian's cooing was the only noise; the air was thick with tension.

   Elizabeth's eyes were still wet with tears when the professors introduced themselves. How could anyone disown their child? It saddened her as much as it angered her that her husband had been treated that way.

Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime Phineas spoke. Does she have a name? The woman who introduced herself as Professor McGonagall answered. Yes, her name is Vivian. Vivian Andromeda Black. Andromeda that's a bit odd, Elizabeth said. That's not as bad as it could be. She got lucky, Phineas said with a chuckle. 

Ninety-nine per cent of my family is named after a star. I have an Aunt called Walburga and cousins named Regulus and Bellatrix.  That makes sense he named his daughter after Andy they were always close. Especially in their thinking but then he paused and his voice lowered.

I guess even that was a lie. Deep down he is just like everyone else in that pathetic excuse of a family Phineas yelled outraged. Dumbledore, why are you here? He asked, still outraged.

Well as we dIscussed in the letter I sent you. WE DIDN'T DISCUSS ANYTHING Phineas roared. So with all due respect Professor Dumbledore sir, WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?

Well as I informed you in my letter. The  Wizarding world has suffered many tragedies in the great war against Voldemort. Including Harry Potter the boy who lived parents James and Lily Potter and many others.

After seeing Elizabeth's confused face. Dumbledore spoke more slowly. The Boy who lived somehow defeated Voldemort and won the war at the age of one year old.  That's fascinating Sir but what does that have to do with her? Elizabeth questioned Gesturing toward the babe on McGonagall's lap.

I'm getting to that well. The boy who lived parents friend and secret Keeper was Sirius Black your cousin, Phineas. Sirius Black is Miss. Vivian Father.

Miss. Vivian's mother Marlene McKinnon along with the entire McKinnon family were killed. Now with Sirius in Azkaban and the rest of her family, dead. We are her only living relatives, Elizabeth asked interrupting?

Not exactly there are some Blacks alive but they are .... Most unsuitable Phineas spoke with their pureblood idolatry. Phineas's eyes widened as if he were having a great epiphany.

You see Phineas, Elizabeth, you are perfect to raise Miss Vivian. You are not involved in the wizarding world and you don't believe in the pureblood ways. You are the only choice. But... There is always an orphanage if you don't wish to care for the child.

At that moment Atlas Elladora Black came to be.

AN: I hope you enjoyed Chapter 3 . Very sorry for the long wait.

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