Chapter 3

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After dropping off Lucio, Lorenzo and I go back to the house.He needs to get ready for school and I need to finish some business.We pull up to the house and Ignacio moves to help me lift Lorenzo but I let him know it's okay.These are the moments I savor with my son.Him snuggled in my arms feeling safe in this shit world.I always want him to have that feeling.I go up upstairs and place him in his room because there's still three more hours before I need to get him ready.Until then I head to my office to check on my business.With Levi recovering I make sure to check in with my financial firm often.Pamela is by his side in London so I've been filling in where I can.I've never seen Pamela cry or look scared but I understand.Levi is the love of her life.

I would be just as broken and want to fuck shit up if someone hurt Lucio or Lorenzo.I lean back in my chair and sigh.I didn't think my future would turn out this way but Lucio made it something I never dreamed of.I've never had a man like him, I squeeze my legs together thinking about how he knew what my body craves and he loves me like I do him.Sometimes I think he's crazier than I am but based on how he grew up he had to be but I love his crazy ass.I focus on the remainder of my paperwork until 7:00am.I leave for  Lorenzo's room and see one of the maid is already trying to get him up
"Mama." I smile as he sits up rubbing his eyes.

"I'm here baby it's time for school." He whines and I tell the maid she's dismissed.I get him ready as he rambles on about going to New York.
"Do you think I'll make new friends?" He asks and I smile letting him know he will.Lucio and I discussed having him home schooled while we're in New York but the joy on our son's face made us rethink locking him up in the house. We don't know how long it will take to find out who's the snitch and thief.Lorenzo will personally visit each school before selecting one for Lorenzo and I trust his choice.We won't have to worry about safety in Lucio's mansion there because Levi made sure that place was well secured years ago.One thing I trust and like about Levi is he knew how to secure any perimeter.

I've also been thinking about expanding my financial firm and having a location in New York makes sense especially since Lucio has men already stationed there.I can look for properties and do interviews.
When Lorenzo is done getting dressed and had breakfast I walk him to the door where Ignacio is already waiting
"Buongiorno Ignacio."  Lorenzo says happily making Ignacio smile.

"Buongiorno Donna e piccolo capo."(Good Morning Donna and little boss) I greet him and hug Lorenzo before he skips off holding Ignacio's hand.I'm starting to think those two are best friends.I turn to get ready for the day.i have a few errands to run and make sure some people know their place.A specific person has been running their mouths lately and they happen to be in my territory now.I smile as I remember the bastards sly remarks.I dress in a black pants suit with heels before I  get my briefcase.

"Buongiorno Donna." My bodyguard James says.I shake my head at his Italian mixed with his southern accent.James is a cheery man who you wouldn't think was sadistic because he always had a smile on his face.When Lucio introduced him to me as Pamela's cousin who wanted to be a part of the business I was skeptical.He looks like a choir boy but when I saw him torture his ex-boyfriend for cheating I realizeed he wasn't sane.I shouldn't have been surprised because he's like the male version of Pamela

I nod at him before I enter the car "Take me to the gentleman's club." I tell him and he smirks before driving off.James is protective of not only me but the family.He's been hearing Kejsi talking alot of shit lately.I couldn't make my move to kill his ass without starting a war because of my position as one of the leaders in the Mafia but his big mouth made threats.I have a family to protect.Its also a reminder to my enemies that I don't take threats lightly.

We pull up to the gentleman's only club and James checks his weapon before exiting to open my door.I already sent a few of my men ahead to scout the club.Kenji came with three men.He must have been sure of himself that nobody would touch him.I walk inside the large building and the only sound that can be heard is the clicking of my black louboutin pumps on the tile.We enter the elevator and press the button to the top floor.I'm filled with excitement.Its been a stressful week and I needs this release.

We walk up to the door of the exclusive club and the door man stops me.
"Mam this is only for men."
I tilt my head and glare at him until something in his brain clicks.
"Mi scuso Donna non me ne ero accorto. Per favore entra."(Apologies Donna i didn't realize.Please enter) he says as he bows.I role my eyes because he must be new here.I walk in and smell cigars and liquor.The men cheer and laugh as the women strip or they take turns fucking them in the open.Lucio and I had many fun nights here.

The place suddenly gets quiet and a few men bow to show there respect.Others glare at me knowing not to say shit.I've been the Donna for over five years.I've fought and stepped over countless dead bodies to get where I am but these balding bastards don't think I deserve what I worked for.One of my men walks over and whispers the room number Kejsi is in.I nod as he places a drink in my hand.

I walk down the quiet hall and enter his room without knocking.I sit on the small couch as he thrusts into the woman who's fake moaning.I know her real moans because Lucio and I have played with her before.
I sip my drink waiting for him to notice me in the room.I see him tense and moan before he turns and stares at me in shock.I glance down.
"Not very impressive down there,no wonder she was faking her moans."
He stares at me angry as Isabelle ,Emma or whatever her name is shrieks then stares at me as she bites her lips.
"Get out" she pulls up her panties and run out of the room without glancing back.

Kejsi gets dressed and sits on the other couch.I take one of the cigars and light it as he glares at me.I take a puff savoring the taste.
"Alexandria why are you here?" He asks and  he looks disgusted at the mention of my name from his mouth.For business purposes many people call me Alexandria the name given to me by my sperm donor.I continue smoking my cigar and sipping my drink as I stare at him and he starts fidgeting.He should because I won't have any mercy with what I have planned for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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