Chapter 1 (pilot)

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4 am. 4am and the alarm woke me up. The sun wasn't out yet, it was winter. The best season, personally I loved the dark and cold.
Turning off the alarm I sat up in bed "okay you got this. First day back at work. A big day y/n" I whispered to myself searching for motivation.
After sitting in silence for a minute I got out of bed, cleaned up and took breakfast.
The usual routine. 4am, gym, work, bed. That was my life for the past few years except for when I had an accident

After the morning routine I got ready and went to work. Once parked in my own parking I walked to the entrance. I was excited but scared? No nothing scares me not even a bullet scares me.
"hey man, you back" one of my old co-workers said from behind me. He placed his hand on my shoulder. "hope you don't have ptsd y/n, we need you out there" he joked. I laughed in response "shall we" he suggested gesturing at the entrance.

Once inside the building he shouted "hey everyone. Look, our favorite detective is back" so much for keeping a low profile at work. People turned their attention to me and him. "stop man you making a scene" I smiled pushing his hand off my shoulder walking in the direction of my office.

He trailed behind me "come on y/n, you can't be angry at your old partner". Right, I forgot to mention. His one of the reasons I got shot while on a mission. He couldn't stop talking or stay quiet. Giving away our position
"I'm surprised. You still here Giles" I said arriving at my office.

I hesitated for a second. I hoped to see a clean office, or at least it should look like no one was in here. After searching for my keys I opened the door. It creaked open, definitely was way to long since this door was opened. The room was a bit dusty. The chair was exactly where I left it when I was sent to bring HIM in. Nothing was touched except for my file cabinet

"was anything touched in here" I asked Giles. He stood by the door frame "no, nothing. They did take your files tho" he replied looking unbothered "who?" I asked dropping my bag on the desk "oh, captain. He handed them to someone else"

He gave away my cases? I was the only one able to solve them. I stormed out the office and walked over to Mr. Albert. He was a sly cpt that did nothing but agitate me with my work. Our relationship wasn't exactly the best boss & employee relationship

Arriving at his office I opened the door. "where's my cases Albert?". He turned in his chair, he was on the phone and lifted his finger gesturing me to be quiet. I stood by his desk with my arms crossed.
After he finished the call, he paused then smiled "welcome back y/n" "how are you y/n" "I'm fine thank you for asking how I am y/n"
He was pulling my leg. Joking with me "I don't have time for an introduction Albert. Where are my cases"
Fixing his tie he dropped his happy expression "I gave them out. You weren't here so they needed to be done" after saying that he got up from his chair and walked to his file cabinet "I got work for you tho. Since you had a whole situation. I'm putting ypu back to file work and I'm partnering you up with someone new" he turned handing me a stack of files "you'll like her y/n. She's new and quite a hard worker like you" he said forcing a smile

Ugh fuck him and his cocky ass. If I wasn't shot I would have taken his position by now. I do not look forward to this new person his talking about "now get out my office y/n" he said gesturing his hand for the door.

I walked out the office and felt him slam the door shut behind me. I rolled my eyes at his childish attitude. Same old Albert

Once back in my office I dropped the the stack of files on the desk. Dust filled the air, I began coughing. I really need to get this place cleaned up "you really need to clean this place up" I heard a voice say from behind me
"no shit Sherlock" I replied turning. It was a lady, I've never seen before. She was leaning on my door frame with her arms crossed.

Her hair was in a bun. She had an athletic body and a bit curvaceous. Her dark hair complimented her light eyes and she was short than me. She was pretty I guess "you must be the new person Albert speaks so highly of" I said moving the files so I could sit on my desk.
"highly? That man hates every living female" she joked. "hmm, true. So what do you want?" I asked "just a warm welcome. I've heard so much about you" she said walking in.
She began scanning my office. "looks like someone died in here" she was already getting on my nerves "my name is harper btw. I know yours so no need to tell me. I'll let you be. Enjoy you attic" Harper said leaving

I refuse to work with her. She's too nice for my liking and already gets on my nerves

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