Chapter 2

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After a hefty day at work. I was exhausted and fatigued at best. Checking the clock I noticed it was 10 pm.
I should rest my eyes for a bit, people are rarely at the office at this time. Or that's what I thought.

"Y/n!" I heard Giles burst into my dreadful office when I had just closed my eyes. "I've got something to confess" he said in excitement. I could hear him getting closer to my desk. "mmhm" I replied still face down. "so..." he began rambling about something. I slowly lifted my head hoping head notice how uninterested I was but he looked like he was in his own world.

Then I heard him say "I think I like hunter" I went from tired to paying attention like I was in a lecture. "what?" I asked interrupting him. He paused and looked at me "repeat that again" I asked "I'm heading home now" he said confused "no the hunter thing"
I could see his face light up with joy like a child with a crush "I like her"

In the moment I shrugged my shoulder "okay, I mean she's mid but do you Giles" I teased him. He looked frustrated and disappointed "I don't need your approval y/n"

Ignoring him I stood up gathering my things and began heading for the exit. "hey wait. You have to drop me off today" he asked trailing behind me. I stopped in my tracks "what? Why?" I asked looking at Giles. He couldn't hold eye contact with me. He looked ashamed, with his hand scratching the back of her head "I don't have a ride" was I surprised? No, I wasn't but what are friends for if I can't give him a ride home. "okay" I exhaled. He smiled "thank you" and rushed for his things

On our wait to his house. He insisted on stopping by the grocery store. He dragged me inside with him, only to hear him talk about hunter the whole damn time. After we picked up the last thing on his list which was ice-cream. We headed to the cashier. I was to busy getting irritated by his non-stop talking to realise someone bumped into me

The person dropped a few things "oh sorry" I apologized kneeling down to assist. Her hair covered her face so I couldn't see who it was. After we stood up I handed her, her chips and sweets. "thank you" she said. She looked familiar for some reason. "I'm sorry, I have to ask. Do we know each other?" when I asked her that she immediately looked away covering her face "no sorry" she muttered rushing for the exit

"you know her?" Giles asked me. "no I don't think so" I replied snapping back into reality "we should probably hurry up and pay so I can get home. I'm quite exhausted" I insisted.
After dropping Giles home, I went home and fell asleep on the couch while.

Next day, at work everyone was told that the trafficking leader we've been trying to arrest would be at an auction and we would be sent there as undercover to keep a look out for him. We were all partnered up and ofc I landed with hunter. Giles looked at me from the across the room with sadness in his eyes then he smiled to show he was joking. After the meeting Giles found me heading to my office. He placed his arm around my shoulder "so you wearing a dress y/n" he laughed "I've never seen you in a dress and heels you know"
I pushed him off "who said I'm wearing a dress Giles. How exactly do you expect me to run. I have to be prepared for everything" I said swaying my arms like I was running. He laughed "so it's a suit" I nodded "we can be like men in black" he agreed then whispered "so what about hunter?" was he really thinking about hunter instead of how not to die tonight "what about her?" I asked questioned gazing at him with concern "will she wear a dress"
I slapped my hand on my face and sighed "what? I like her" he said "ofc she would, I think"

Later on I meet hunter waiting for me at the entrance. "shall we?" I asked holding out my arm. She smiles and holds my arm. We walk inside "you look nice by the way y/n. Never knew a suit would look this good on a woman" she whispered while we scanned for our seats. As much as I didn't like her. That compliment warmed up my heart "you stunningly beautiful tonight as well hunter" I complimented back. She smiled in response "okay let's focus guy's" Mr Albert said interrupting us over the ear peaces.

Once the auction started we all sat down. After about 1hr Giles texted me "his not here". Giles was right. I looked all over and Hannibal wasn't here "let's go look for him" I replied. We looked at each other from across the room, nodded then got up and headed for the stairs. Hunter stayed to watch out for anything. There were guards everywhere so we had to be careful.

Once upstairs Giles stopped me "we have to split up" he suggested "what? no Giles, what if you die" I stressed. He looked at me serious "I'm not gonna die y/n" he paused then smiled "you might" he laughed. Before he left he turned around and said "be careful kid" then went down the hall."ugh Giles" I rolled my eyes. I took a deep breath as I began walking down the hall, opposite to Giles. Don't get shot y/n, don't get shot. I repeated in my head. Reaching a corner I heard footsteps so I stopped and stood back against the wall. Sounded like 2 people, there was some mumbling.

As the tension built up on my end I had my hand on my gun, ready for anything. I crouched down for my advantage. They were close, once they turned the corner. They didn't see me but kept walking in the opposite direction. It was a woman with a man. "does he know the risk of being here" the woman said. She looked recognizable, it took a moment to click but she was the woman from the grocery store last night. What was she doing here?

Quietly I walked up to them then jumped on the man bringing him to the ground, strangling him with my legs. She turned around and looked at me "what are you doing here?" I asked her. She didn't even bother fighting me to release him. I pointed my gun at her "answer my question" she laughed lightly at me "release him" she insisted, while he kept hitting and trapping my legs "not happening" I replied. "they'll catch us you know" she said walking up to me.
US? What was she talking about?. She stopped right in front of my gun then lowered it slowly with her hand "release him" she insisted again. I hesitated for a second then released him. He started gasping for air "shit man. This woman is strong"

She reached out her hand helping me up. "what are you doing here? And who are you?" I questioned her placing my gun back. She crossed her arms "I should be asking you the same thing. And why do you have a gun? Are you part of the security?" she asked. I exhaled then placed my hands on my hips "none of your business sweetheart" I said before turning to carry on with my search for Hannibal.

Suddenly I felt a hand grab my arm, pulling me in a different direction. It was her "what are you doing?" I asked her shrugging off her hand "shut up and follow me or you'll die" she commanded me before grabbing my wrist. We eventually stopped in front a door. "open it" she told the man she was with. He unlocked it and dragged me inside. Before closing the door she told him to make sure the area was clear by the time she leaves.

"sit down" she said pointing at the chair. She went and sat across the room "why am I inside here?" I asked. She ignored me going on the phone. I got tired of sitting in silence then heard Giles call for me in my ear peace "y/n are you still alive" he asked "yeah. I currently trapped in a room with a woman I know nothing of. She won't let me out" I replied to him with irritation. She looked up at me from her phone. Luckily I used my phone to pretend I was on a call "fortunate for you huh" he joked "I'll come get you" "don't be dumb Giles, you don't know what room I'm in" he laughed a little "alright, get out safely y/n. There's no reports of him here by the way. I looked everywhere on my end. What about you?"  he asked me "currently in a situation so I haven't seen him. Go back to hunter, I'll return shortly" I insisted "okay" he replied

Now... I need to get out of this room but how?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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