Maybe Your The One

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I was putting the movies back on the shelves that they came from as Robin was rambling on and on about Vicky. I was smiling the whole time as I listened. he really was head over heals for this woman and really, I can see why. From what Robs had said, she seemed lovely. She was just a little to shy and rambled a little to much to actually make a move on her. "Anyway, what about you. Is there anyone that has caught your magic eyes honey?" I smiled again at her nickname for me. We alwyas playfully flirted with each other. I can't remember when we started doing that though. I think it was when we told each other who we liked. Well tht type of person we like. For some reason I like guys and for the obvy reason, she likes girls. I tried before but it just wasnt my thing, and that's perfectly fine. "Well there may be one guy." She looked at me with wide eyes. "Oh. My. God. Is there really someone this time. Everytime I ask you, you always say no. Who is it Lori. You have to tell me. Please."I smiled and laughed. "I can't tell you but I will say yes or no to any questions you have. I will answer with all honesty but only yes or no."

She nodded and started to think. "Is he tall?" I nod at her. "Do I know him?" "Maybe, probably." She squinted her eyes and softly nodded. She began to pace around the store and I laughed to myself a little bit.  She really was going to go all out on this. She reall wanted to know who it was. "Does he have blonde hair?" "Absolutly not." She nodded but I knew that helped her out none. "Does he have long hair?" "Yes" I said smiling. "How long?" "Not a yes or no question." I said smiling. "Ok then, long as Steves?" "no." "Shorter?" "No." "So it is longer than Steves hair, not blonde. He is taller and I might know him?" "Yes, so far."  "Blue eyes?" "No." "Brown" "Yes."

We kept this up for about 2 hours and she was still stuck. Unknown to us Steve had been watching us for about thirty minutes. "What the hell are you guys doing?" He asked scaring the fuck out of the both of us. "I am trying to figure out the guy that Lori likes. Will you help me out. We can only ask yes or no questions and I am sucking it up though." Robin proclaimed. "Well what do you have so far?" He asked. "Well I know that he has long Black hair. Like longer than yours. He has brown eyes, he can play the guitar, we might know him-" She started rambling about all that she knew of him before Steve cut her off. "Dude, you like Eddie Munson." He said. Robin looked at him with horror. She had been guessing for two hours and he got it in like ten seconds. I was laughing at Robin but I nodded at Steve. "Why Eddie. You know what he is like, you know. A freak." He said that last part really quiet. Like he didnt want anyone to hear him.

" Steve I dont know that you mean. I Think that he is pefectly kind. There is nothing wrong with Eddie Munson. He is polite and has manners, unlike you. He is very kind to my brother, even took him under his wing and gave him some more friends. I know that you and dusty are also close but not like them two. I think that Eddie the freak Munson is the farthest thing from a freak that you could find."  In the midst of my rant none of us heard the door open and close. "Wow, I think that you may be the one for me Lori." We all spun around at the sound of none other than Eddie Munsons voice. There was was also dusty there next to him. "Hi, guys. What- what are you doing here."

"Well um Lorrs we- Eddie and I came here to get a movie so we could play it. Obviously. Any way um Eddie I will be in the van pick out any movie you want to um yeah go for it bud." With that he ran out of the video store and into Eddies van. "Um Lori, I was wondering if I could have your help picking out a movie for us to watch." I saw Robin flick her hands in my direction and pulled herself and Steve into the back room saying they needed to do inventory. I turned back to Eddie and I smiled. "Of course, what kind of movie were you looking for." He smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "What kind of movies does Dustin like." I smiled. He was taking what my brother liked into consideration. I handed him the scariest movie we had. I knew he was going to hate it but he was my brother, and I was an older sister. So it was my job to freak him out a little bit. "Really? He likes this kind of stuff." "Not at all but I thought this would be funny. You just have to tell me what happened." I smiled devilsihly. "Or you could just come with us. If you want to of course." I smiled. "I would love that Eddie."

I yelled at robin that I was leaving and was out the door before she could say anything. I hopped in the back of the van sicne dusty was already in the front and I felt like I should be nice for now. He was totally unaware of what was about to happen later. I asked my brother how school was today and he said that it was fine, most of the other clun memebers were sick so they decided to just watch a movie. "Oh cool. I hope you dont mind I joined Dustin." "Of course not Lori!" he exclaimed. "Your my big sister. Im not like Mike and Nancy I love spending time with you. And just imagine it, if you and Eddie get together I will not only have one supper cool sister I will a super cool brother as well. Both Eddie and I blushed bright red.

"I think you may be the one for me" We said at the same time.

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