Episode two New Teams

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After the meeting, it was late, and all the new year students went to a huge room to sleep for the night. Ewan and Carl tried to sleep, but the exploding girl and the cute blonde were making a huge racket. Then, Ewan heard a familiar voice. "People are trying to sleep here!" Ewan looked over and there was a girl with jet black hair, grey eyes, white high lights wearing white pajamas. He guessed the person that yelled at him earlier was a girl, a girl not afraid to speak her mind. After that, the loud girls quieted down. Ewan looked at the girl. She rolled her eyes and went to sleep. So did everyone else.

The next morning was rough. Carl woke up Ewan with a nice slap. "Come one man, team picking today. Wanna be on my team".
"Um, teams are chosen by Goodwitch."
"Well, get dressed then!" Everyone else put on their battle uniform, so Ewan did too. He wore a deep red spandex shirt and black military pants and black converse sneakers. He entered his code and pulled out his weapon, a huge metal spiked ball attached to a chain. He then took his smoke bomb belt. As soon as he closed his locker, a boy was standing there. He had brown hair, green jean jacket, brown jeans, an orange shirt with matching converse high tops. "Hello, my name is Pablo Green. My pleasure!", and awkwardly shook Ewan's hand.
"Um... yeah, you too", Ewan said. He tried walking away, but Pablo followed. So the two boys walked outside together. Pablo was actually nice, and was in the jr. Navy with Ironwood as his teacher. Once they got there, they just saw the last group leave.
"Yo Ewan, my man!" Carl called.
"Hush!" the professor said.
"The first person you see will be your partner for the rest of your time at Beacon. You must make your way to the forest temple and back. Don't dawdle". Ewan looked over and saw the hooded girl. Oh boy.

After being thrown in the air, Ewan safely landed, he started walking towards the temple hoping to not run into Carl. He's irritating with poor fighting technique. Anyway, he was running and POOF!
"Hey! Is this going to be a habit!" And it's the girl with the blue hood.
"Sorry, I... I didn't see you". Ewan said stupidly.
"Awesome, now I'm on your team. My name is Holly and this is my weapon. Just then, Holly pulled out two boomerangs with daggers on the ends. Ewan pulled out his spiked ball.
"Cool", Holly said. "Well lets go. The sooner we get there, the better." So the two started to jog towards the temple. On the way, the two ran into Pablo. Ewan was relieved. Pablo is cool.

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