Episode 4 uniforms and roomates

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It was a long day for the children, so once they got their room number, they crashed on their beds. The unpacking will have to wait Ewan thought. On the beds were uniforms. They were grey tops, white shirts and bottoms with a black bow tie. This was the uniform for Atlas. Holly put her uniform aside, snatched her pjs and ran to the bathroom. "You guys are skied or what?!" Ewan and Orion just shrugged.
"I like your weapon" Pablo said to Orion.
"Thanks" he replied in a gloomy voice. Something about him was just like that goth girl with the bow they saw, but what did they know? Holly came back with a white tank and blue sweats. She curled up on her bed and snuck out her headsets and E pod. Pablo stared with dreamy eyes at her. Holly quickly noticed and gave him an evil glare. The boys went to bathroom to shower and change. Once everyone was in the room, all was quiet, even Pablo. HOPE were super tired.

The next day, the children put on their strange new uniforms and headed down to breakfast. Holly of course being in a hurry bumped right into another kid. He had pale white eyes, light brown skin and a spiked cane. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Holly helped the blind boy up. The boy replied "oh, sorry miss. I like your hair". Then he clicked his tongue. It's a short bob cut right?" Holly was shocked. "How can you do that?"
"I learned to use eco location to get around. My cane is just in case. Clicking my tongue sends sound waves which sends a message back to my mind. For example you are holding two boomerangs with knifes on the end." It was true. Holly got scared so she took them out just in case. "My cane is also my weapon" the boy continued. "And my name is Julian by the way". He smiled an carried on with his day. Holly blushed inside. She continued walking to breakfast. Once she sat down, the boys finally caught up and sat also.
"So" Pablo began of course. "Who are the other teams?"
"Well there is team JWEL pronounced Jewel. Their leader's name is Julian..."
"Julian!" Holly popped straight up a bit to excitedly. The boys looked at each other with confused faces. Holly sat back down and slowly took a bite out of her muffin. "Yeah, I saw him this morning" Holly said picking her nails. "He's actually blind and uses echolocation to 'see'".
"Sounds like a freak to me" Pablo said casually". As soon as he finished his sentence, Holly backflipped onto the table and held her boomerangs to his neck about to snap him in two.
"How dare you! You stupid idiot! How would you like it if someone made fun of your ethnicity being Peruvian?!" Holly finally relaxed, put her weapons down, and sighed. The boys looked in disbelief, knowing they have to get used to Holly's short temper.
"Anyways, the other three are Wyatt, Elise, and Lilian. I saw Lilian with two ninja swords with something that looked like dust, but cloudyer. The other two I haven't seen." Ewan stopped talking and stared at his plate.
"Well lets get moving!" Orion said in a more hopeful tone. "We can't let this bad morning make us late to class."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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