Luck or Fate (f!Reader)

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— In which Eddie tries his best to set up the perfect first date for the reader.

Wildflowers, a picnic, the sun. Eddie Munson has an alabaster complexion for a reason. He has a slight (okay, maybe not so slight) fear of bees, and he detests spending more than 20 seconds in the kitchen. But today he's made an exception, exposing himself to the elements, his fears, and a butter knife, all to please you.

You're worth it. He'd taken a chance on the assumption that your lingering touches and sweet smile meant something, and he'd been rewarded with a 'yes' when he'd asked you out.

Then the pressure had followed. He'd spent the days before your arranged date worrying about where to take you. The movies - but what if he chose the wrong one? A rock show – but what if you hated the music? Every little choice would go towards determining whether or not you'd allow him a second date, so he really didn't want to mess this up.

His first instinct was to cancel. After all, if he didn't even have the chance to disappoint you, he couldn't. Dustin had convinced him otherwise, suggesting a reconnaissance mission that had resulted in him and Mike awkwardly making conversation with you to steer the topic to things you liked to do on a date.

"He's gotta go all out for this," Mike had claimed.

"Yeah," Dustin backed him up, "Suzie's never been to Hawkins before, but once she comes to visit, I want to be totally prepared. I'd appreciate some advice."

Thus, your perfect date had been laid out in detail, and as Dustin and Mike recalled the entire conversation, Eddie's face fell into his hands.

"How the hell am I supposed to do all of this without screwing it up?" He groaned.

"Dude, it's just a picnic," Dustin said, "You've organised months-long D&D campaigns before."

Mike nodded, "Just do the same type of planning. Consider every possibility, just like you would as Dungeon Master."

He reached out, gripping both boys by the shoulder. "What would I do without you rascals?" He stood, reinvigorated, and cracked his knuckles. "Alright, I have got a date to plan."

Now that he was actually on said date, he couldn't stop stressing. He could feel himself becoming annoying with every request for reassurance. Do the sandwiches taste alright? Is the sun in your eyes? Do you want some more lemonade?

You were an absolute angel, your patience never wearing thin, but Eddie still felt his soul recoil from every uttered word from his mouth, and he could tell he was ruining the mood.

For all the planning he'd done, he hadn't accounted for the fact that he'd actually have to talk to you. It had been so easy before, but now, under the presumption of romance, it felt impossible.

"What's up with strawberries, right?" He poked nervously at the punnet he'd packed. He hadn't had a proper picnic basket, so all the food had been stuffed into a guitar case, now open wide with an abundance of selection. "With the seeds all on the outside."

You reached forward, plucking one up. "They're technically the strawberry's ovaries. Each little 'seed' you see is actually just its own small fruit, with a seed inside." You popped it into your mouth, chewing, then said, "Don't ask me why it's like that; something to do with the way it grows, I can't remember."

Eddie grinned. "You totally just made that up."

"No I didn't!" You defended, which was hard to do gracefully with the fruit half-chewed in your mouth.

"Nope," he teased, pretending not to believe you, "No way someone as pretty as you can be equally as smart. It's not possible. It would defy the basic laws of the universe."

"Basic laws of the universe?"

"Yeah, it's like stats in D&D. You can't be equally strong, intelligent, wise, etcetera. You've only got a certain number of points you can start off with. I put all my points into being the cool and mysterious guy and somehow rolled a d20 when I asked you out." Eddie laughed when you frowned at him, confused, "I got lucky."

You shook your head, reaching for another sandwich. "It's got nothing to do with luck."

"Fate, then?"

The way you hid your amused smile behind the triangular-cut sandwich made his heart soar.

"You believe in fate?"

You were teasing him, but he didn't mind at all.

He laid back; his palms flat on the soft grass. "The chances of you and me going out? If it's not luck, then it has to be fate."

"It's a romantic notion," you mused, drifting closer to him as you reached to the neck of the guitar case, where a platter of cheese was laid out, your arm brushing his side, "But I think it would be even more romantic if fate didn't exist, and the path you've carved out was based entirely on your own free will. It would mean that despite everything, you found a way to me."

Eddie seized your wrist, keeping you close to him. The cheese slice you'd picked up slid from your grip in your surprise. He pushed his face close to yours, eyes flitting down to your lips, the cold metal of his rings brushing up your cheek as he settled his hand on the side of your face.

"I find it hard to believe there isn't any higher power at play when I look at you."

You would've said the same about him, if you hadn't become so breathless the moment his eyes met yours. All the awkwardness melted away, and this new version of Eddie, Eddie the date, felt as natural as Eddie the friend.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked, his voice low, eyes darting between your gaze and your mouth.

You beamed at him. "Would it be luck or fate if I said yes?"

"I don't know," he whispered, leaning in, "Chance, maybe?"

"Like a roll of the dice," you teased, your nose grazing his.

"Mmm," he hummed, his eyes fluttering closed. He was waiting for your answer still, his lips hovering so close now. "I like my chances."

"Then kiss me."

His lips were softer than the flower petals that swayed around you, softer than the clouds floating by on their journey through the sky. Eddie pulled you closer, until you were in his lap, hands in his hair, making out like you'd always dreamed about.

But he was oh so gentle, thumb running back and forth over your cheekbone as he kissed you, his other hand pressed lightly to your waist.

The only reason you stopped was because he'd started smiling so wide, a satisfied laugh on his tongue.

"If this is a dream, I don't wanna wake up." His cheeks were pink and his eyes clouded over in absolute bliss. "Ouch. Hey!"

You pressed an apologetic kiss on his shoulder, where you'd pinched him.

"For our next date," you got straight to the point, "Why don't you take me to see one of those bands you like."

Excitement bloomed on Eddie's face.



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