𝟏𝟓| 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚 〄

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As I walked into classroom, I took my seat and sat down, I couldn't help but notice a familiar scent in the air.

My heart skipped a beat as I recognized the scent of his cologne. He was here. I kept my composure, not giving any signs to anyone that I was aware of his presence. But deep down, I was ecstatic to see him.

I kept my eyes fixed on the front of the classroom, pretending to listen to the professor's lecture. But every so often, I would sneak a glance at him. He was sitting a few seats away from me, his gaze focused on the professor, just like everyone else. But I knew he was aware of my presence, just as I was aware of his.

And then, I felt his hand on my thigh, sending shivers down my spine. I tried my best not to react, but I couldn't stop the blush that crept up on my cheeks. I knew I had to stay composed, even though all I wanted to do was lean into him and feel his touch.

As the class drew to an end, I couldn't wait to be alone with him. As everyone stood up to leave, he discreetly passed me a note, asking me to meet him outside the classroom. My heart raced with excitement as I nodded, trying to act normal.

As soon as I stepped out of the classroom, his hand was on my waist, guiding me to a more secluded area. We greeted each other with a passionate kiss, our love for each other burning fiercely.

"I need you," he whispered against my lips.

"I need you too," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Let's meet up at old factory near the pizzeria in the city center," he whispers and I just nod.

We couldn't stay for long, but even those few stolen moments were enough to make my day. As we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

As the phone rang loudly, I took a deep breath before answering. It was Tyson, calling. I knew it must be important for him to call during school hours. With a wave of fear washing over me, I answered and braced myself for whatever news he had for me.

"Anthea speaking," I answered, trying to sound calm and composed despite the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"Hey boss," Tyson's voice echoed through the line. "I have some important information for you. It involves our rival organization and I think we need to take action before they make a move."

My heart sank at the mention of our rival. The thought of losing control of my territory filled me with dread. "Alright, give me all the details," I replied, my mind already racing with possible plans.

Tyson proceeded to inform me about the enemy's recent activities and their potential attack on our territory. We were facing a huge threat and needed to act fast. But then, I remembered something that I had to do after school. I knew it was important for the organization, but I couldn't tell him about it.

"I understand, Tyson. Thank you, I'll take care of it," I said, trying to hide my hesitation. "But I have something important to do after school, so take care of the matter for now and report back to me."

There was a slight pause before he replied. "Alright, but just make sure you don't take too long. We need to be on top of this situation."

I promised him I would take care of it and ended the call. The weight of the situation heavy on my shoulders, I made my way through the school halls, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts.

I knew Tyson was my most trusted ally and a friend, but telling him about my personal duties was out of the question. It was something that I couldn't share with anyone, not even him.

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