Chapter 37

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I couldn't stop staring at the numerous alcoholic drinks on the shelf, covering every inch of the wall. The memories inside the Toasty bar were running through my head. Whenever I struck the deep end, I came here and lost myself completely. The last time I came here, I had an argument with my ex-boyfriend, Bryce. He was no longer working here, nor I had seen him over the past few days.

"So, then, I realize I shouldn't be dropping out. I had killed myself trying to get through the past three years, I couldn't just stop now." Beatrice placed her hand over my shoulder and ranted while her other hand was wrapped around her drink. Her eyes found mine, for a moment only. "Now, my fourth year is almost over and in no time, I'm going to have a degree in my hand."

Beatrice spoke with a wide over her face. She had changed a lot since we last met—six year ago. Her personality was little more bubblier, sweeter and full of life while I no longer had a personality.

I lost the spark in my life after my parents were murdered.

"That's good!" I exclaimed, raising my brows, and hoping to show some excitement. She had been going on and on for the past hour about her life and it seemed like it was going just perfect. "I'm proud of you."

Her lashes fluttered and she pressed her hand over her chest, "Thank you."

Beatrice had come so far along. We were children the last time we were together, finishing our school, stepping into the adult life and suddenly, we were separated from each other. There was no contact between us for years due to the fear of being caught by the people who had murdered my parents.

"Tell me about yourself. How is your life?" Beatrice asked, folding her leg across the other one. Her eyes came on me once again, studying me for a minute.

Thoughts gathered up in my head. What had I done over the past few years? I asked myself and tried to come with an answer but there was nothing.

Beatrice began looking at me with concern. She stretched her arm and squeezed her hand over mine. "It's okay, Eos. You have been through a lot—more than anyone else. It's completely understandable if you're still living in the past. It takes time to move on." She understood me well.

I cleared my throat and replied, "No, no, I'm no longer living in the past." I took a deep breath and accepted new reality. "I tried finishing school, but I was kicked out long time ago. I do a little work here and there, hostessing and managing events whenever I get lucky."

"Oh, that's different!"

"Yes. It's kind of different from what I thought I would become one day but I'm happy where I am now." With the bite and the curse.

A voice rang through my head, a voice closely similar to mine. The smile washed off my face and I swallowed hard.

"I'm so glad to hear that. How's Carol doing these days?" Beatrice asked, changing the topic.

"Oh, she's doing great. I've never seen her better." I replied, remembering Aunt Carol who had been enjoying her life since the moment I saw her.

There were some hard times we both went through as a family but we both made out and healed. I was no longer the troubling child she needed to take care of, and we both were managing our finances now. She was concerned for me for a very long time—the entire time I was in a relationship with Bryce. It was her words that opened my eyes and forced my paths away from my cheating ex-boyfriend.

"I wish to see her soon. I hope she won't be angry at me." She said, shaking her head and laughing while taking another gulp of her drink.

My eyes fell on the orange juice at my side of the table. I didn't want to drink anything alcoholic as I had already drunk a lot this week.

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