Chapter 32: "Things that divide us"

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Blake, Rob's wolf above


Kyle POV

Both Hannah and Celia didn't look convinced when I told them that I didn't remember or know the guy because of who I had almost had a panic attack. But, to tell the truth, I don't understand it either; I shouldn't react like that to an unknown person, especially twice already.

I hear the knock on the door, and after answering my "come in," Rob enters.

"Have you thought sleeping on the floor would be enough to chase me away?" He smirks and puts the tray with the food on the table. "Rose said you've barely eaten today."

I only feel the knot in my stomach getting harder. But I have to do it. The sooner, the better; we have to get over it, no matter how much we don't want to.

"After I finished cleaning the rooms, I still thought I was alone in the house, which was assigned to Full Moon warriors, but when I was going down the stairs, two of them suddenly came from the kitchen," I say, not looking at him, I can't look at him if I'm about to tell everything. "They were the only two whose faces I remember; everybody else is a blur. They said I was hot and lucky... they... Of course, I didn't want any trouble; I did tell them I was not interested... but that made them angry, they said they were warriors, and I was an omega, and my task was to obey... they dragged me to one of the bedrooms..."

I swallow hard, a lump in my throat, I feel nauseous, but you are okay Kyle; you can do it.

"They bent me over the table; I was already trashing in their hold at that point, but I didn't scream. I don't know why I just couldn't." I take a big breath. "One of them was holding me pressed to the table; I struggled to breathe, and the other..." I feel tears on my cheeks, wishing I didn't have to remember.

"He shoved inside me, no preparation, nothing... that's when I screamed as loud as I could because of pain. The one who was holding me smashed my head into the wood, yelling for me to shut up. I felt their claws sink into my arms and hips, and...when the first of them finished, they switched places... and then they switched again... And then I think the rest of them came into the room."

I shut my eyes tight; I know Rob is still in the room, but I don't look at him. If I do, I will break; I know it.

"After... I don't know what happened in what order. I didn't even know how many of them were there. Mikkeli and Hayden told me later...but... but...I remember how painful and disgusting it was. I struggle to breathe, I'm not sure if I was begging them to stop, but I was crying all the time." I clench my fist tighter to somehow get my shaking under control.

"At the beginning, I was trying to give.... to resist, but it only made it worse. They started punching and hitting me. I couldn't run, so I just gave up. I laid there and let them do whatever they liked."

I still don't look at him, and he doesn't say anything, but he is next to me, with his arm wrapped around my trembling form. He presses my head to his chest, and I don't protest as I continue:

"I didn't know how long it was going on... and I didn't care, I just wanted them to stop... but they were getting more violent gradually... they were angry... I didn't participate in a way they wanted me they also started giving me wounds saying that if I want to hurt less, I should obey..." I latch to Rob's chest tighter" I gave up again... I obeyed...I sucked when they told me to suck, and I moaned when they told me to moan... and..."

And that's it, my voice breaks, and I can't say anything anymore as I'm sobbing, hard and uncontrollably in Rob's arms as he holds me tight, saying that nothing was my fault, that he's got me, and he will never let me go.


As Kyle lies pressed into my chest, I wrap my arms around him, sinking my fingers in his soft hair. I still have no words in me. I don't know what to say to help him feel better; what does he need me to say?

"Rob..." he breaks a very long silence between us, " I know that you believe me, and I'm grateful for everything you did during my heat but.. but things didn't change; your brother is still dead because he raped me. Do you... do you think that we should..."

Kyle sits, moving slightly away from me. I'm faced with his back.

"I don't need your pity, and you don't have to atone for what your brother did... I'm not your responsibility and..."

"What do you want to say?" I ask, too sharply, in my opinion.

"I want to say that maybe we should think about giving up; things are so damaged between us that maybe there is no point in trying."

I take a sharp breath. There is no fucking way I will accept this; that much I know for sure.

"I won't reject you; you are MINE," I growl lowly, but he still refuses to look at me.

"Kyle, when Renan died, I was initially devastated and angry at Mikkeli because he had killed him. But later, I had to fight alongside him against hunters, and I came to respect him as a leader and warrior. When soon after Full Moon was almost destroyed, your brother and his  Luna were the ones who saved us, and I was grateful for that. But simultaneously needed someone else to blame, and I picked you. I was so angry that I chose not to believe what Hank had told me. And he did tell me that Renan had died because he had been guilty."

Kyle finally turns around and looks at me, his eyes still puffy and red, but I continue:

"My first instinct was to reject you because I didn't want to get attached. You are so beautiful; the first moment I looked at you, I wanted you so much. But at the same time, I felt like it was stabbing Renan in his back like it was betraying his memory. But the fact is I didn't want to let you go and used the revenge as an excuse not to do it."

I raise my hand to caress his face gently, and he leans into my touch.

"I know I was a jerk, and I'm so sorry about this, but please, Kyle, give me one more chance; give us one more chance. Please don't give up on us. I know what divides us, but some things bind us together. We are mates Kyle; we are the perfect halves. Please don't..." My voice breaks at this point, and I do realize that's the first time in my life pleading or more like begging.

Carson, who had some pity on us till that moment, starts screaming his lungs out, so Kyle doesn't give me an answer since he instantly jumps to take care of his boy. I also stand up from the bed; the food I've brought is already cold, still untouched.

"I'll reheat your supper and be back in a moment," I say. "Please, don't make me leave; I want to sleep here with you."

As I walk into the kitchen, I am greeted by Hank's presence. Till now, I had to deal with Alpha and Luna, so  I'm prepared for another harsh treatment. Yet to my surprise, Hank seems to be in a very good mood.

"You look pleased," I say.

"And you look like shit," he responds. "But I don't complain; I've just returned from the forest. I took Celia and the kids for some wolf riding. I would almost call it a date."

"Your mating seems to proceed quite well."

"For sure better than yours," his words make me tense; I guess here comes the preaching.

"You are my friend Rob, but if you fuck this up, I will personally kick your ass. Kyle has already had enough of shit to handle, and he doesn't need more."

I bite my lips feeling embarrassed, and I guess this feeling will not leave me for some time.

"But I'm also partially blamed for what happened between you and Kyle. I should've told you every detail, but I was trying to spare your feelings, I guess." He says, and seeing my questioning look, he continues: " I caught them in act Rob, Luna and I caught them in action, and Renan was there and ..."

"I know," I interrupt him. "I understand you wanted to spare me, Roseanne, and my mother. I'm not angry, Hank; I'm the only one to be blamed."

The door to the kitchen gets opened again, and Luna enters.

"Twins and Marc want movie night today. Hank, bring your family, and I'll make a lot of popcorn. Rob, I've already mind-linked Kyle; you two will also come. He agreed there is enough of crying for today."

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