Chapter 5

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Present day

"I have an important announcement to make," announced King Roland II at the dinner table that night. 

James, who had been aggressively slurping his soup immediately stopped. Queen Miranda waited patiently, and Sofia, Amber and Desmond, who already knew what Dad was going to say,  looked down at their plates. Tilly was also at the dinner table, sitting on her baby chair, completely oblivious to the situation.

"As you all know, relations with the kingdom of Freezenburg have been tense lately. Despite our efforts at negotiation, they still threaten to declare war on us." 

The king paused, then continued, "With great thought and consideration, I have decided, our best option at this point is to betroth Sofia to Prince Friedrich, the Crown Prince of Freezenburg."

James spat out his soup. "That man was in my Chivalry classes and he's a bully. Keep him away from Sof." 

Mom looked at Sofia worriedly. 

"Perhaps he's changed since then?" Sofia said meekly. 

Tilly, sensing something was off in the atmosphere started wailing. Desmond picked her up and tried to comfort her, but she only wailed louder. He then carried her out of the room. Sofia presumed he was taking her to the Royal library, his favorite place. 

Amber stood up. "I do not accept this either. There has to be another way."

Dad rubbed his temples. He looked tired and weary. "I've tried. We've negotiated, sent gifts, tried to sign peace treaties, but they will only accept an alliance by blood."

Amber huffed and sat down, muttering to herself.

Sofia, ever the optimist, asked, "When will I get to meet him? Maybe he's not as bad as everyone thinks he is."

James shook his head violently. 

Dad responded, "Next week, we will hold an engagement ball. You will get the chance to meet him then."

Sofia nodded.

After dinner, Mom had come to Sofia's room and sat down on her bed. Queen Miranda hadn't said a single word the entire dinner. 

"Are you alright with this, Sofia?"

Sofia's lower lip trembled, but she somehow managed to choke out, "It's what's best for the country."

Her mother said with a sad smile, "You sound just like your father." She pulled Sofia into an embrace. Sofia hugged her and said nothing.

Then, Miranda asked, "What happened to--"

"Mom, he's gone."

"But surely-"

"Kryevka is in shambles. There's no point." Sofia's voice was hollow. 

Queen Miranda stroked Sofia's hair. "My poor baby, I wish you could marry for love instead of duty." 

They sat there crying, mourning all that was lost.

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