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Some smut ig
Kissing idfk

Noah pov: I found Micheal's liquor stash. I had to climb up on the counter to get it though. I grabbed I couple beers and got down.

Micheal pov: I see Noah trying to climb on the counter which was normal but I saw 7 beers on the table. "W-Woah" Next thing I know I see Noah falling. I ran over and just and time I caught him. "Oohh hi Micheal" he gives me a weird smile. "Your drunk aren't you." "No~ I'm fine hehe." I pick him up and he puts his arms around my neck and he gave me a quick kiss. "NOAH, What the hell." "What you enjoyed it, you loveee me~" I did love him I even tell him about personal space so I don't have a bi panic. "Don't think I never saw your face when you say PeRsOnAl SpAcE." So he knew. "This still isnt right Noah, your not yourself." "Oh come on some kisses won't hurt." He continued to kiss my face. "Noah in any other situation I would let you but this one is a no." "Cmon Mike just once please~" just once ok it's just once. "I- Fine just this one time." I put him down and he grabs my hand and leads me somewhere almost tripping on his own two feet. He takes me to the living room and pushes on the couch. "Noah w-" he kisses me before I could finish my sentence. It also doesn't help that I don't have a shirt on in this situation, but in my defense I never wear a shirt.

Noah POV: Before Micheal couldn't finish his sentence I kissed him. I slowly get onto his lap and break the kiss. I see his hands wonder but stops himself. "Why'd you stop" "Noah cause it isn't right for me to do this." I sigh why can't he see I want him to do this. "Oh come on Micheal, you have my consent a-and with that I say you can do whatever you want." He looks to the side avoiding my face. "You know what fine consent is given so." I was shocked but smiled and kissed him. As he kissed me back I felt his hands roam up to my thighs. The kiss finally breaks. "Your good kisser." I mean he is. "I could say the same." We kissed again and again getting more and more heated, it feels better with with me sitting up in his lap and his hands under my shirt. After about 15 minutes of non stop kissing we both stop. We're both breathing heavily, I mean I don't care that was the best 15 minutes of my life. "Fuck" "What's the matter didn't you enjoy that cause I know I did." Did he not like it god Micheal why are you like a guessing game at this point. "No I liked it but I would rather go to bed know before you fall asleep and I have to drag you upstairs." Fair point but I still want to do stuff. "Just ten more minutes pleaseeee Mikey." He laughs. "Ok Ok but only ten minutes." I put on a devilish smirk and kissing down his neck to his collar bone leaving hickeys and just some bite marks. He made some noises not loud but he still made them. I start sucking a down from his ear and right by his jaw. "Ahh~ Noah watch what your doing." Ooo "guess I picked a good spot because that was louder than the rest." "Oh shut up it felt good I'll give you that and your 10 minutes are up." "5 more minutes? Heh" "no let's go to bed." Ughhh I let out a sigh.

I know it isn't the best but 633 words hope you enjoyed byeee.

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